Kr0oked / Metronome

Simple and beautiful metronome for Android
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Added chinese and spanish language #26

Closed siyunesweek closed 2 months ago

siyunesweek commented 3 months ago

I think it is all, sorry it took me more time to learn how git works cause i got some problems.

siyunesweek commented 3 months ago

I made a new commit -Changed app/src/main/res/values-cn-zh to app/src/main/res/values-zh-rCN -Deleted app/src/main/res/values-v29/values-cn-zh Sorry my fault.

Kr0oked commented 3 months ago

Sorry for bringing this up again but the directory names are still not correct.

For spanish the values directory should be values-es-rES with an r in it. The current metadata directory es-ES for spanish is correct.

And I am a little bit unsure what would be correct for your chinese translation.

Unfortunately the android resource directory and the metadata directory use different formats and there are multiple Chinese language styles. I guess your translation is for 'Chinese Simplified' and not 'Chinese Traditional' or 'Chinese Hongkong', is this assumption correct?

For the metadata directory we can use zh-CN, zh-TW or zh-HK all without an r in it. I think for the metadata directory zh-CN is the correct one, then the store entry is for 'Chinese Simplified'.

For the resource directory it works a little bit differently. I see that a lot of projects use values-zh then it is available for all regions. But we could use values-zh-rCN to restrict it for the China region. grafik

Sorry for making it complicated ...

siyunesweek commented 3 months ago

Don't worry, thanks to you for helping me.

Hope this time goes well.