Kr0oked / Metronome

Simple and beautiful metronome for Android
GNU General Public License v3.0
72 stars 9 forks source link

Feature: non-integer BPM values #28

Open awebeer256 opened 1 month ago

awebeer256 commented 1 month ago

When I'm trying to set a metronome to match the tempo of some already-recorded music, it's very often not an integer number of beats per minute. Please allow us to use a decimal point when we're typing in a number to be the tempo.

Kr0oked commented 3 weeks ago

I'm sorry to deny this request. But I will stick with the integer BPMs. One reason is that I am thinking about removing the text inputs completely. For beats and subdivisions they are redundant and for the tempo the fine adjustment could also be done with the plus and minus buttons.

Also I think that for practicing a specific song it not necessary to have the exact same tempo. And playing the metronome in sync with the music will always be fiddly and is not a goal of this app.