I have a "process out of memory error" when running node 5.9.1 and trying to run the link plugin. I have attached the log below. When I removed the controllerlink from the config.json it started working again. I found online others seemed to encounter similar issues using node version 5.70+( Click here)
Last login: Thu Mar 24 21:31:53 on ttys000
appletechy:~ appletechy$ DEBUG=* homebridge -D
[3/24/2016, 9:33:27 PM] Loaded plugin: homebridge-cmd
[3/24/2016, 9:33:27 PM] Registering accessory 'homebridge-cmd.CMD'
[3/24/2016, 9:33:27 PM] ---
[3/24/2016, 9:33:27 PM] Loaded plugin: homebridge-controllerlink
[3/24/2016, 9:33:27 PM] Registering platform 'homebridge-controllerlink.HomeBridgeControllerLink'
[3/24/2016, 9:33:27 PM] ---
[3/24/2016, 9:33:27 PM] Loaded plugin: homebridge-harmonyhub
[3/24/2016, 9:33:27 PM] Registering platform 'homebridge-harmonyhub.HarmonyHub'
[3/24/2016, 9:33:27 PM] ---
[3/24/2016, 9:33:27 PM] Loaded plugin: homebridge-liftmaster
[3/24/2016, 9:33:27 PM] Registering accessory 'homebridge-liftmaster.LiftMaster'
[3/24/2016, 9:33:27 PM] ---
[3/24/2016, 9:33:28 PM] Loaded plugin: homebridge-nest
[3/24/2016, 9:33:28 PM] Registering platform 'homebridge-nest.Nest'
[3/24/2016, 9:33:28 PM] ---
[3/24/2016, 9:33:28 PM] Loaded plugin: homebridge-onkyo-avr
[3/24/2016, 9:33:28 PM] Registering accessory 'homebridge-onkyo-avr.OnkyoAVR'
[3/24/2016, 9:33:28 PM] ---
[3/24/2016, 9:33:28 PM] Loaded plugin: homebridge-platform-wemo
[3/24/2016, 9:33:28 PM] Registering platform 'homebridge-platform-wemo.BelkinWeMo'
[3/24/2016, 9:33:28 PM] ---
[3/24/2016, 9:33:28 PM] Loaded plugin: homebridge-wink
[3/24/2016, 9:33:28 PM] Registering platform 'homebridge-wink.Wink'
[3/24/2016, 9:33:28 PM] ---
[3/24/2016, 9:33:28 PM] Loaded config.json with 7 accessories and 5 platforms.
[3/24/2016, 9:33:28 PM] ---
[3/24/2016, 9:33:28 PM] Loading 5 platforms...
[3/24/2016, 9:33:28 PM] Initializing Nest platform...
[3/24/2016, 9:33:28 PM] Fetching Nest devices.
[3/24/2016, 9:33:28 PM] [WeMo Platform] Initializing BelkinWeMo platform...
[3/24/2016, 9:33:28 PM] [Wink] Initializing Wink platform...
[3/24/2016, 9:33:28 PM] [Wink] Fetching Wink devices.
wink:http http options +0ms { hostname: 'winkapi.quirky.com',
port: 443,
path: '/oauth2/token',
method: 'POST',
headers: { 'Content-Length': 175, 'Content-Type': 'application/json' } }
wink:http http data +15ms { host: 'winkapi.quirky.com',
path: '/oauth2/token',
data: '{"client_id":"[Removed]","client_secret":"[removed]","username":"[removed]","password":"[removed]","grant_type":"password"}',
method: 'POST' }
[3/24/2016, 9:33:28 PM] [Harmony Hub] Initializing HarmonyHub platform...
[3/24/2016, 9:33:28 PM] [Harmony Hub] Searching for Logitech Harmony remote hubs...
harmonyhubjs:discover:explorer Explorer(61991) +0ms
harmonyhubjs:discover:ping Ping(61991) +1ms
harmonyhubjs:discover:explorer start() +1ms
harmonyhubjs:discover:responsecollector ResponseCollector(61991) +0ms
harmonyhubjs:discover:responsecollector start() +1ms
harmonyhubjs:discover:ping start() +0ms
[3/24/2016, 9:33:28 PM] Initializing HomeBridgeControllerLink platform...
express:application set "x-powered-by" to true +0ms
express:application set "etag" to 'weak' +1ms
express:application set "etag fn" to [Function: wetag] +1ms
express:application set "env" to 'development' +0ms
express:application set "query parser" to 'extended' +0ms
express:application set "query parser fn" to [Function: parseExtendedQueryString] +0ms
express:application set "subdomain offset" to 2 +0ms
express:application set "trust proxy" to false +0ms
express:application set "trust proxy fn" to [Function: trustNone] +1ms
express:application booting in development mode +1ms
express:application set "view" to [Function: View] +0ms
express:application set "views" to '/Users/appletechy/views' +1ms
express:application set "jsonp callback name" to 'callback' +0ms
express:router use / query +11ms
express:router:layer new / +1ms
express:router use / expressInit +0ms
express:router:layer new / +1ms
express:router use / jsonParser +1ms
express:router:layer new / +0ms
express:router:route new /plugins +0ms
express:router:layer new /plugins +1ms
express:router:route get /plugins +0ms
express:router:layer new / +0ms
express:router:route new /plugins +0ms
express:router:layer new /plugins +1ms
express:router:route post /plugins +0ms
express:router:layer new / +0ms
express:router:route new /plugins/available +0ms
express:router:layer new /plugins/available +0ms
express:router:route get /plugins/available +0ms
express:router:layer new / +0ms
express:router:route new /config +0ms
express:router:layer new /config +0ms
express:router:route get /config +0ms
express:router:layer new / +0ms
express:router:route new /config +1ms
express:router:layer new /config +0ms
express:router:route post /config +0ms
express:router:layer new / +0ms
express:router:route new /hub +0ms
express:router:layer new /hub +0ms
express:router:route get /hub +0ms
express:router:layer new / +0ms
express:router:route new /hub +0ms
express:router:layer new /hub +0ms
express:router:route post /hub +0ms
express:router:layer new / +0ms
express:router:route new /install/status +0ms
express:router:layer new /install/status +1ms
express:router:route get /install/status +0ms
express:router:layer new / +0ms
express:router:route new /ping +0ms
express:router:layer new /ping +0ms
express:router:route get /ping +0ms
express:router:layer new / +0ms
express:router use /log/live +0ms
express:router:layer new /log/live +2ms
express:router use /log +0ms
express:router:layer new /log +0ms
express:router use / router +0ms
express:router:layer new / +0ms
express:router:route new /log +0ms
express:router:layer new /log +0ms
express:router:route get /log +0ms
express:router:layer new / +0ms
[3/24/2016, 9:33:28 PM] Loading 7 accessories...
[3/24/2016, 9:33:28 PM] [ Single Bay Garage Door] Initializing LiftMaster accessory...
[3/24/2016, 9:33:28 PM] [ Main Garage Door] Initializing LiftMaster accessory...
[3/24/2016, 9:33:28 PM] [FR Onkyo Reciever] Initializing OnkyoAVR accessory...
[3/24/2016, 9:33:28 PM] [FR Onkyo Reciever] start long poller..
[3/24/2016, 9:33:28 PM] [History Channel] Initializing CMD accessory...
[3/24/2016, 9:33:28 PM] [Food Network] Initializing CMD accessory...
[3/24/2016, 9:33:28 PM] [Discovery Channel] Initializing CMD accessory...
[3/24/2016, 9:33:28 PM] [News] Initializing CMD accessory...
[3/24/2016, 9:33:28 PM] [WeMo Platform] Server Listening...
socket.io:server initializing namespace / +62ms
socket.io:server creating engine.io instance with opts {"path":"/socket.io"} +1ms
socket.io:server attaching client serving req handler +3ms
<--- Last few GCs --->
12739 ms: Mark-sweep 1403.7 (1439.2) -> 1403.9 (1441.2) MB, 52.5 / 0 ms [last resort gc].
12754 ms: Scavenge 1406.4 (1441.2) -> 1406.4 (1441.2) MB, 8.4 / 0 ms [allocation failure].
12760 ms: Scavenge 1406.4 (1441.2) -> 1406.4 (1441.2) MB, 4.5 / 0 ms [allocation failure].
12813 ms: Mark-sweep 1406.4 (1441.2) -> 1406.4 (1441.2) MB, 52.5 / 0 ms [last resort gc].
12874 ms: Mark-sweep 1406.4 (1441.2) -> 1406.4 (1441.2) MB, 61.5 / 0 ms [last resort gc].
<--- JS stacktrace --->
==== JS stack trace =========================================
Security context: 0x1fbcf2be3ac1
1: stringify [native json.js:160] [pc=0x3cf4c1b3a8e4](this=0x1fbcf2bdb8a1 <a JSON with map 0x3034ca40a7c9>,u=0x1fbcf2bf8d01 <an Object with map 0x13fbb57e8ef9>,v=0x1fbcf2b04189 ,I=0x1fbcf2b04189 <undefined)
2: arguments adaptor frame: 1->3
3: tryStringify(aka tryStringify) [util.js:14] [pc=0x3cf4c1befff1] (this=0x1fbcf2b04189 ,arg=0x1fbcf2bf8d01 <an Object wi...
FATAL ERROR: CALL_AND_RETRY_LAST Allocation failed - process out of memory
Abort trap: 6
I have a "process out of memory error" when running node 5.9.1 and trying to run the link plugin. I have attached the log below. When I removed the controllerlink from the config.json it started working again. I found online others seemed to encounter similar issues using node version 5.70+( Click here)