KraigM / HomeBridgeController

Provides a simplified UI for controlling your HomeBridge
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Relationships between plugins, platforms, and accessories #8

Open epheterson opened 8 years ago

epheterson commented 8 years ago

This is a complicated problem, actually.

The UI for installed plugins is a bit bare, it'd be nice if within the UI, any associated platforms or plugins were presented. This could quickly give the user an overview of which plugins are being utilized, and which are not, or a tally of how many of their accessories belong to which plugins.

Perhaps in this view there could also be an additional location to add a new accessory, where the user would not be prompted for which type, but it'd be inferred.

Double-clicking any platform or accessory in this view would pop them into the accessory/platform's detail view.

KraigM commented 8 years ago

There is a tab for the plugin info on platforms and accessories. My plan was to add all the npm meta info to that plugin info view but haven't gotten around to it.

epheterson commented 8 years ago

Do you see value in listing which accessories/platforms were created from that plugin, within the plugin's view? Or is this information unnecessarily redundant?