KraigM / homebridge-wink

Wink hub plugin for HomeBridge
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sensor_pods data isn't being displayed #27

Closed tinobedi closed 8 years ago

tinobedi commented 8 years ago

The three sensor_pods around the my house are reporting data to homebridge but the data isn't being displayed in the correct parameters even though it shows it as a device (blank data field).

pdlove commented 8 years ago

@tinobedi What app on the phone are you using to display the information?

tinobedi commented 8 years ago

I've used a few apps and here are the results

Devices - no data displayed Insteon+ - data displays but not in an obvious place Home - data displays but only humility is in an obvious placement.

Home works the best because it displays all the data but I can't get Siri to tell me the temperature, or humility on request.

tinobedi commented 8 years ago

Here is some screenshots.

Devices: Insteon+:, Home:,

pdlove commented 8 years ago

I think alot of your issue is that Apple developers haven't figured out how to consume the sensor information yet. I recommend you look up the Eve app. In my opinion, it has the most logical display of accessories with all of the information of any app I've looked at. If that doesn't look right to you, let me know and we'll see what we need to do to fix it up. Other than that, feel free to direct your request to any of the app makers you mentioned to fix their product for a more meaningful display of information.

tinobedi commented 8 years ago

i'll contact the home developer but how do i ask siri for temp info?

pdlove commented 8 years ago

You ask Siri the Temperature in your room. For example, I have a temperature sensor that I've added to the HomeKit room called "Kitchen" I say "What is the Temperature in the Kitchen?"

tinobedi commented 8 years ago

Here's my setting because I have a few devices and I can't give repeat names.

Pods name: Bedroom Sensor Service name: Bedroom temperature

"What is the Bedroom temperature in the Bedroom Sensor?"

That didn't work at all, what might be the issue?

pdlove commented 8 years ago

Have you setup rooms and added your devices into the appropriate room? It's not really looking for the device name there, it's looking for the name of a Room, not the actual accessory. HomeKit exposes the Accessories and then you have to establish the hierarchy. It should be setup as Home>Zone>Room>Accessory. Zone can be omitted if you only need one zone. I have Upstairs and Downstairs zones so I can as the Upstairs Temperature and Downstairs Temperature and it will report based on the sensors in the zones.

tinobedi commented 8 years ago

I've setup rooms and I have a flat. The spotters are located around the flat, door, bathroom and bedroom. I don't have any use for zones because I live in a flat. So using Home>Room>Accessory and still no results. It keeps saying that it can't find devices this time. I'm gonna try zones (public/private) and see if I get results.

I'll report back later today

Also would it be possible to totally split up the spotter readings? So users don't have to wait till developers catch up with multi-sensor device support.

pdlove commented 8 years ago

Make sure you don't ask for the specific device. Make sure you ask the temperature in the room.

tinobedi commented 8 years ago

Yep, That's what I'm doing. Oddly, the humidity shows via siri but not temperature.

img_7182 img_7181 img_7180

tinobedi commented 8 years ago

@pdlove, solved.

The issue was in naming the rooms, as you said. I changed the name from bedroom to dorm, restarted homebridge and everything is working now. I appreciate you & your help!

Though do take it into consideration to separate temp, hum, battery, motion/light into their own devices. So we can see what's going on in our desired homekit apps.

pdlove commented 8 years ago

Siri does get confused by device names. My kitchen has two temperature devices. When I ask for the temperature, it replies "The temperature is 61.5 and 61.7" if there is a difference, otherwise it just replies with a single temperature response. When I ask for my downstairs temperature, Siri replies with a single number that is the average of the 8 devices downstairs.

KraigM commented 8 years ago

Sounds like this is resolved so I'm going to close it. Feel free to reopen if I was wrong.