Kraigie / nostrum

Elixir Discord Library
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Ratelimiter seemingly ending up in a bad state after HTTP 502 response #533

Open recursiveGecko opened 4 months ago

recursiveGecko commented 4 months ago

Hi, I've run into an odd issue where Nostrum.Api.create_message call never returns.

Here's a relevant log message from the library itself that happens just before this issue occurs:

[warning] No ratelimits received on bucket /channels/xxxxxxxxx/messages, likely due to a server error. Holding off request queue pipelining until next client request.

Here's a message from my application, immediately following it. This indicates that this particular Api call returned:

[error] Failed to post Discord message: %Nostrum.Error.ApiError{status_code: 502, response: "error code: 502"}

But then the following Nostrum.Api.create_message call from the same process seems to hang in this state indefinitely:

iex(f1bot@3ee06c9c3ce1)21> Process.whereis(F1Bot.Output.Discord) |>
   {:gen, :do_call, 4, [file: 'gen.erl', line: 240]},
   {:gen_statem, :call, 3, [file: 'gen_statem.erl', line: 923]},
   {Nostrum.Api, :create_message, 2, [file: 'lib/nostrum/api.ex', line: 284]},
   {F1Bot.ExternalApi.Discord.Live, :"-post_message/1-fun-0-", 3,
    [file: 'lib/f1_bot/external_api/discord/live.ex', line: 23]},
   {Enum, :"-reduce/3-lists^foldl/2-0-", 3, [file: 'lib/enum.ex', line: 2468]},
   {F1Bot.ExternalApi.Discord.Live, :post_message, 1,
    [file: 'lib/f1_bot/external_api/discord/live.ex', line: 22]},
   {F1Bot.Output.Discord, :handle_info, 2,
    [file: 'lib/f1_bot/output/discord.ex', line: 213]},
   {:gen_server, :try_handle_info, 3, [file: 'gen_server.erl', line: 1095]}

...While Ratelimiter doesn't seem to be doing any work:

iex(f1bot@3ee06c9c3ce1)24> Process.whereis(Nostrum.Api.Ratelimiter) |>
   {:gen_statem, :loop_receive, 3, [file: 'gen_statem.erl', line: 1250]},
   {:proc_lib, :init_p_do_apply, 3, [file: 'proc_lib.erl', line: 241]}

iex(f1bot@3ee06c9c3ce1)27> Process.whereis(Nostrum.Api.Ratelimiter) |> :sys.get_state
   running: %{},
   remaining_in_window: 50,
   outstanding: %{},
   conn: nil,
   inflight: %{}

...but Nostrum.Api.create_message calls from an attached console continue to work just fine:

iex(f1bot@3ee06c9c3ce1)25> Nostrum.Api.create_message 0123456789, "test"
   activity: nil,
   application: nil,
   application_id: nil,
   attachments: [],
   # ...

For context, F1Bot.Output.Discord is a long-running process that receives messages from PubSub and publishes them as Discord messages, but it ends up blocked when Nostrum.Api doesn't return.

I'm using Nostrum from commit 4fabfc5bf59878fdde118acd686f6a5e075b5f8e due to #522. Happy to provide more info!

recursiveGecko commented 4 months ago

Here are results of my production trace (Rexbug.start(["Nostrum.Api :: return", "Nostrum.Api.Ratelimiter :: return"])) with every function call and return value logged, so it should be possible to follow through the internal state of the state machine.


Line 3166 is where the send_message function call gets stuck. A lot of the information has been redacted, but hopefully in a way that doesn't impede understanding.

I'm using Elixir 1.14 with OTP 26. I hope this helps!

jchristgit commented 4 weeks ago

First of all, sorry for the long delay in getting back to you. I've read this multiple times now but unfortunately I'm still unsure about the actual issue.

The original issue seems mostly clear to me, and I believe there might be a bug in there. Specifically the only way I see how that can happen is if the ratelimiter would not go into :disconnected state before the second request is sent, and the request is then somehow silently dropped in the ratelimiter. I can't really see why so far, so I looked into the log you attached.

This is where things get a bit confusing to me. You say line 3166 is where it gets stuck - do you mean the call in IEx or the outstanding call to channel aaaaaaaa? Because for the outstanding request to create a message in channel aaaaaa, it just always sits at :initial, which means nostrum is still waiting for a reply, and for a long time judging by the length of your bug trace. I see two possibilities for that to happen:

  1. gun never sends us a reply: this shouldn't happen, but we should probably add a reasonably long timeout to outbound requests to exclude the possibility. There is also a ticket upstream at ninenines/gun#334, which I wonder if it's related.

  2. There is a bug in the ratelimiter for handling of :initial requests: Certainly possible, but I don't see how so far, since it's a special atom value we match against and we do integer arithmetic to deal with things which would crash...

But what confuses me is that the issue in your log and the issue you originally opened seemed to be two separate problems - or am I misunderstanding it?

Either way, I don't think it will solve this problem, I think we should maybe introduce some reasonably long timeouts on all outbound requests, and maybe set up a debug monitor for them somehow. Such that we can say, "this thing was sent but never finished". @jb3 would be happy for your thoughts on this as well.

By the way, thanks for the super useful bug trace. FWIW, if you need to debug this again, the ratelimiter also has :sys.trace support, which might yield some other information.