Open Krakonos opened 9 years ago
Status changed from New to In ProgressAssigned to changed from Aleksandar Topuzović to Chris BrowetChris can you please test this on linux/win?. The "delete key" on mac is what a backspace is on a PC, an the "other delete key" is the PC equivalent of a delete key.
Assigned to changed from Chris Browet to Aleksandar TopuzovićIt works fine in Linux and Win.
There is a system put in place specifically to avoid this situation:If the focus is in the tag table, global shortcuts are filtered (like the "delete" for deleting a feature). See Utils/ShortcutOverrideFilter.cpp.
The Problem probably lies around PropertiesDock, line 52. Could it be that OSX uses another key descriptor than Qt::Key_Delete?
On OS X, the 'del' key is used to delete text that is positioned in the 'right-side' of the cursor. In Merkaator, if editing text and one uses the 'del' key, it will delete the way instead of deleting the text to the right of the cursor. The 'delete' key works fine, deleting everything to the left of the cursor as it should. I've put together a screencast to demonstrate.
Thank you,
Eric Jarvies