Krande / adapy

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code aster reduced integration element names #104

Open Krande opened 1 month ago

Krande commented 1 month ago

In connection with the issue raised in, I am currently adding basic support for specifying reduced integration for typical elements.

This is now done for calculix and abaqus, but I have still sesam and Code Aster remaning.

For Code Aster I have found two reference documents that describe in detail the theory and implementation of reduced integration for QUAD and HEX elements (see r3.06.10 and r3.06.11 in

However, internally when writing these element types to MED, Code Aster does not use QUAD4/HEX8 names, instead they use an abbreviated form QU4/HE8.

So the question is, given the reduced integration variants are referred to as QUAS4/HEXS8 in the documentation, do they have different abbreviated names or are they activated by other means?

Krande commented 1 month ago

According to the reply I got here it seems I will have to modify the AFFE_MODELE param in my .comm files.

Hello Kristoffer,

you decide whether you work with reduced or fully integrated elements using the keyword AFFE_MODELE or "Assign finite element" in AsterStudy. code_aster assigns the element type to your mesh, which you define there under MODELISATION.

For TETRA and HEXA elements, 3D stands for the fully integrated elements and 3D_SI for the reduced integrated elements. Adding _SI to the element name usually switches to "reduced integrated".

You can find a list of all element types in the manual for AFFE_MODELE (U4.41.01) § 3.2.1. Here you will find references to manuals for the individual element types, e.g. U3.14.01 for 3D and 3D_SI. You will find all the details there.

Among other things, you can also read here which mesh you need to provide, for example from Salome.

As far as I know, 3D_SI is only possible for TETRA10 and HEXA20. So you have to convert the mesh into a quadratic first. You can do this directly in Salomes mesh module.

You can assign 3D to both linear (TETRA4 / HEXA8) and square networks (TETRA10 / HEXA20).

I hope I was able to answer your question.

Best regards, TOBI