Krappa322 / arcdps_unofficial_extras_releases

Release page for arcdps_unofficial_extras, an addon for arcdps that provides other addons with additional information arcdps does not provide
MIT License
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Expose the current floor id of the local player character #13

Open agaertner opened 1 year ago

agaertner commented 1 year ago

You could help with a longstanding problem.

It is not possible to differentiate between sectors which are on top of each other when they are on different levels of a map because the current floor the player is on cannot be determined by legal means. Floor numbers (as they appear in the API) are not standardised across maps and are completely arbitrarily defined by map designers (or programmers). Example: A map that has five floors can go from floor -2 to 3 while another map with five floors might go from 0 to 5. This is especially noticeably in maps like Tangled Depths or Verdant Brink with its abyss and canopy floor where an area detection algorithm will always assume an area on the default floor even if you are in one below or above. Unfortunately, there is not enough information that is officially exposed to manually calculate the current active floor.

EDIT: Also the current sector id and sector name would be excellent.

knoxfighter commented 1 year ago

The Mumble Link has the character position on the map as x.y.z coordinates, with that you can easily find out on which floor you are. Therefore i don't see any use to additionally expose that.

agaertner commented 1 year ago

No, the character position is not enough to determine the current floor. Floors are arbitrarily indexed. Note that this topic/discussion is several years old and was throughtly gone over in the developer discord several times over. I have purposefully copied an explanatory paragraph in here. Please, read it. You may also want to look at this old ArenaNet issue:

A solution would be triangulation with custom defined landmarks which is unprecise and time-consuming todo for every map.

It would be great to just expose already available data from the UI via an DLL addon hence my humble request. :)