Krato / NovaGallery

Photo gallery tool for Laravel Nova
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Not clear how to use the extension #4

Open davidgabbay opened 4 years ago

davidgabbay commented 4 years ago

The is not enogh explanation gow to use the extension. Why there is no example. How to add the galery in the resource ? How to import the class ?

is it: use EricLagarda\NovaGallery\NovaGallery;

public function fields(Request $request) { return [ Gallery::make('Profile Photo')->disk('public'); ......

pit07 commented 3 years ago

Hi! So :

And then in my nova resource file : use EricLagarda\NovaGallery\NovaGallery; Gallery::make('Profile Photo')->disk('public'), (but Gallery::make doesn't recognize)

But : "Class 'App\Nova\Gallery' not found".

Any ideas ? Thanks ;)