KratosMultiphysics / Kratos

Kratos Multiphysics (A.K.A Kratos) is a framework for building parallel multi-disciplinary simulation software. Modularity, extensibility and HPC are the main objectives. Kratos has BSD license and is written in C++ with extensive Python interface.
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Stiffness and mass matrix in Python #1821

Open MagaFem opened 6 years ago

MagaFem commented 6 years ago

Is possible to get the mass- and stiffness-matrix to python-workspace for a structure mechanical model? Looks like matrices are assembled in: eigensolver_strategy.hpp


loumalouomega commented 6 years ago

Hi, there are public methods in C++, we can add it easily to python, but right now is not a good moment, we are migrating our python interface. You can change your code locally

loumalouomega commented 6 years ago

Go to add_custom_strategies_to_python in StructuralMechanicsApplication and add change the EigenSolver declaration as follows:

    // Eigensolver Strategy
    class_< EigensolverStrategyType, bases< BaseSolvingStrategyType >, boost::noncopyable >
                "EigensolverStrategy", init<ModelPart&, BaseSchemeType::Pointer, BuilderAndSolverPointer>() )
                .def("GetMassMatrix", &EigensolverStrategyType::GetMassMatrix)
                .def("GetStiffnessMatrix", &EigensolverStrategyType::GetStiffnessMatrix)
RiccardoRossi commented 6 years ago

@qaumann or @armingeiser is this solution fine? shall a PR be done to add this capability?

armingeiser commented 6 years ago

I think this could be useful, if one wants to solve the eigenvalue problem externally or using e.g. numpy. But one should keep in mind that the Eigensolver Strategy does modify the main diagonal entries of the supported dofs.

Edit: using Eigens capabilities, one could even translate them to numpy matices easily (as far as i know)

qaumann commented 6 years ago

@MagaFem, what are you planning to do with the system matrices?

For me it seems @MagaFem is interested in the mass or stiffness matrices in general, not only for eigenvalue calculations. So it could be nice to add an "export to python" functionality for the system matrices, not limited to the eigenvalue case and thus export the unmodified matrices ignoring the boundary conditions.

RiccardoRossi commented 6 years ago

@qaumann i agree that capability is interesting, however the problem is that the only one that could do this is the builder and solver.

One could achieve the desired behaviour by calling the builder and solver directly. One important problem is that it is also needed to get the doflist, to be able to know how ids are associated to nodes and dofs.

RiccardoRossi commented 6 years ago

we'll propose an interface to do this in a useful way

RiccardoRossi commented 6 years ago

ok, so this is the first iteration:

template< TSparseSpace >
class MatrixBuilder
      void MatrixBuilder(rModelPart, Flag BuilderAndSolverType=BlockBuilderAndsolver)
      void Initialize()
      void Clear()

      #NOTE: one may change behaviour by passing variables through rModelPart.ProcessInfo if needed
      TSparseSpace::VectorType&  ComputeRHS( bool ApplyDirichletConditions )
      TSparseSpace::SparseMatrixType& ComputeStiffnessMatrix( bool ApplyDirichletConditions )
      TSparseSpace::SparseMatrixType& ComputeMassMatrix( bool ApplyDirichletConditions )
      TSparseSpace::SparseMatrixType& ComputeDampingMatrix( bool ApplyDirichletConditions )

      ModelPart::DofsArrayType& GetDofList()


we shall also complete this by an interface to construct scipy matrices from our matrices, but this is easily done on the python side.

Also we should improve the interface of the ModelPart::DofsArrayType so to be able to:

  1. iterate over dofs in python
  2. get the variable associated
  3. get if fixed or not
philbucher commented 6 years ago

+1 for the idea

One thought since you want to construct scipy matrices: I think pybind can also work with Eigen directly, so im am putting @armingeiser and @oberbichler in the loop since they might be interested

oberbichler commented 6 years ago

PyBind has build-in converters for Numpy/SciPy <-> Eigen. The exchange can be done without copying the underlaying data. It also provides a lot of helpers for inherit C++ classes in Python.

During my masterthesis I used this interface e.g. for developing iga-elements in python (maximum comfort) and put them in the C++ model (maximum speed). It works very well out-of-box.

I don't knot how difficult it is to write equivalent wrappers for ublas/Kratos but I think they would be very usefull!

RiccardoRossi commented 6 years ago

Hi @oberbichler i think that we can quite easily export the csr arrays to numpy using pybind. once that is done scipy has a constructor with that.

@philbucher , I would prefer not to depend on eigen for this (recall that Eigen needs to be strictly optional)

MagaFem commented 6 years ago

@qaumann right, I had a couple things in mind, namely model reduction and calculation of compliance. I saw that the eigensolver_strategy.hpp assembled and named the matrices and that is why I referred to the eigenvalue case.

RiccardoRossi commented 6 years ago

Is there anyone volunteering to implement this? (or the changes we agree)

loumalouomega commented 6 years ago

Do you mean the interface I suggested at the beginning or something more complete?

loumalouomega commented 6 years ago

The interface I suggested will export to Kratos Vector and Matrix, for numpy some more extra work:

RiccardoRossi commented 6 years ago

The MatrixBuilder i am suggesting in one of the lates posts

loumalouomega commented 6 years ago

"Hi @oberbichler i think that we can quite easily export the csr arrays to numpy using pybind. once that is done scipy has a constructor with that. " This one I assume, do we add as an independent utility or do you prefer to add directly in add_matrix_to_python on the core?

RiccardoRossi commented 5 years ago

closing as inactive. Reopen if needed or when someone wants to volunteer for the implementation

loumalouomega commented 5 years ago

@RiccardoRossi do you mean this?

veiguf commented 4 years ago

This seems to be solved, but I do not understand how I can get the stiffness and mass matrix to Python. Is it documented anywhere? By the way: Is there an easy and clean way to convert a Kratos.Matrix to a Numpy array?

loumalouomega commented 4 years ago

This seems to be solved, but I do not understand how I can get the stiffness and mass matrix to Python. Is it documented anywhere?

The LHS is easy, the solvers could be adapted in order to retrieve the K and M in separated way

By the way: Is there an easy and clean way to convert a Kratos.Matrix to a Numpy array?

Not yet....

loumalouomega commented 4 years ago

This seems to be solved, but I do not understand how I can get the stiffness and mass matrix to Python. Is it documented anywhere?

The LHS is easy, the solvers could be adapted in order to retrieve the K and M in separated way

I just checked and it retrieves in matrix market format (*.mm files with an echo level of 4)

veiguf commented 3 years ago

The problem has surfaced for us again. We would like to access the mass and stiffness matrices of a structural model and get them in Python. How can we do that? Any help would be appreciated!

RiccardoRossi commented 3 years ago

dear @veiguf take a look at

it provides you essentially what you need in scipy format


to understand how the conversion to scipy happens

veiguf commented 3 years ago

Thanks @RiccardoRossi for pointing out that file, did not know about it... Based on this, we tried a couple things to write a class to extract the system matrices, in vain. Should this process be carried out with an arbitrary model or must the project parameters be specifically set for this. Short: Can I build the model with GiD and then use these commands? Is there a more detailed example somewhere where something like this was done?

RiccardoRossi commented 3 years ago

i am not sure i understand you. The idea behind this was to create a mdpa and ProjectParameters as you would for a dynamic analysis, and then run this strategy instead of the normal one.

By looking very quickly in the code of the TryExtract i see that there is a mismatch between "Mass" and "Stiff" which are camel case and "mass" and "stiff" which have no capitals. not sure if this may affect

@manuelmessmer can u comment more on this? you played around with this more than i did

manuelmessmer commented 3 years ago

Hi @veiguf, if I understand it right, you want to set up a model in GiD and then retrieve the system matrices in python, correct? As @RiccardoRossi said, this is exactly what the mentioned does. There is also a test case, which probably answers your questions how it is used. You just need to define the respective solver in the ProjectParameters.json. Then you can also derive the class CustomScipyBaseSolver and override the SolveSolutionStep method and implement there what you want.

Theshahzeb commented 3 years ago

hello, I was assigned this task and to start i ran this test case AS IS but it failed screenshot I am fairly new and I would really appreciate any help. Thanks

manuelmessmer commented 3 years ago

hi, in the screenshot I saw that you called a file called Did you create that file yourself. Seems like your system of equations is singular. If you run python3 it should work.

Theshahzeb commented 3 years ago

Its the same file actually, replacing props[KratosMultiphysics.COMPUTE_LUMPED_MASS_MATRIX] = False with props[StructuralMechanicsApplication.USE_CONSISTENT_MASS_MATRIX] = True seems to work except these warnings : custom_scipy_test_warnings

manuelmessmer commented 3 years ago

It complains because if a block_builder_and_solver is used the first eigenmodes depend on the applied Dirichlet boundary conditions and will lead to zero eigenvalues. Therefore, in this case it is better to use elimination builder use_block_builder=false under builder_and_solver_settings. The variable in this test is deprecated. It is still block_builder = False. Anyways it should work with the elimination builder (without warning). Btw are you interested in the eigenvalue analysis or do you want do modify the matrices in python for some other reason? Because the eigenvalue analysis is basically only an example to show how this solver works. If you want to do something else, you can override the function SolveSolutionStep in the

manuelmessmer commented 3 years ago

I did the changes here: #8355

Theshahzeb commented 3 years ago

Hi @manuelmessmer thank you so much for the clarification and no, I am not interested in the eigenvalues, just trying to get the mass and stiffness matrices from a model to manipulate them in python.

Theshahzeb commented 3 years ago

Hi, I tried to extract mass and stiffness matrices of a model with no boundary conditions using but i get a type error that says SetToZeroMatrix(): incompatible function arguments. Parameters file: ProjectParameters.json. Thanks

manuelmessmer commented 3 years ago

How do you run your analysis? With

simulation = StructuralMechanicsAnalysis(model,parameters)
Theshahzeb commented 3 years ago

I am running (in the GiD model folder) with modified SolveSolutionStep and

with open("ProjectParameters.json", 'r') as parameter_file:
     parameters = KratosMultiphysics.Parameters(
model = KratosMultiphysics.Model()
simulation = CustomScipyBaseSolver(model, parameters)
manuelmessmer commented 3 years ago

This will not work, because you need an analysis_stage (In your case StructuralMechanicsAnalysis(model,parameters)) to set up your solvers properly. Then you can start the simulation with Run(). All functions such as InitializeSolutionStep(), SolveSolutionStep() etc.. will then be called in there. In your case the previous steps are not called and the matrices are not constructed yet. Most likely the GetSystemMatrix() was just returning an empty pointer. You don't need to call the CustomScipySolver directly. The analysis_stage will read trough your ProjectParameter.json and invoke the solver listed there.

Theshahzeb commented 3 years ago

hello, i apologize for the delayed response, the analysis_stage solved the problem, reads the files correctly and runs without errors but it does not go into the functions like _MassMatrixComputation & SolveSolutionStep, which means I cannot see any matrix or variable. I really appreciate the help. Thank you

manuelmessmer commented 3 years ago

It might be that your python script is not in the correct folder. Basically you have two options. Either you modify the original base_solver and recompile (it will move it then to the bin folder, from where it is called). Or you keep everything in your new file, but then you have to specify this file in your ProjectParameter.json. If you do so, it makes sense to derive a new class from the base_solver. Most likely right now you only start the simulation in your new file.

Btw you can put these lines

with open("ProjectParameters.json", 'r') as parameter_file:
    parameters = KratosMultiphysics.Parameters(
model = KratosMultiphysics.Model()
# simulation = CustomScipyBaseSolver(model, parameters)
simulation = StructuralMechanicsAnalysis(model, parameters)        

into a separate MainKratos.pyfile and start everything from there. Maybe a bit more convenient and cleaner.

Theshahzeb commented 3 years ago

Thank you so much, this makes sense now. I'd go for the 2nd option but i specify my new file here in the ProjectParameters.json

"solver_type" : "KratosMultiphysics.StructuralMechanicsApplication.structural_mechanics_custom_scipy_base_solver",


manuelmessmer commented 3 years ago

Yes, but your file must still be in the correct folder. Otherwise, Kratos will not find it. The other option would be easier, but that's up to you.

e-dub commented 3 years ago

I just implemented a "new" solver, i.e. the "other option" to do this and I can indeed extract the matrices correctly: [new solver].(

I am now trying to think of the best way to get these then into the python environment. Suggestions?

Also I called this thing preliminarily: structural_mechanics_system_matrix_extraction... Suggestion on this?

manuelmessmer commented 3 years ago

I am not sure if I understand correctly. In the SolveSulutionStep() you should have the matrices in python then? Or what is your final goal with the matrices?

e-dub commented 3 years ago

Maybe it is a mistake in my thinking. I would like to have a general extraction method that I can use with any model. What is the easiest way to pass it from the solver back into the "main" Python file, which I use to call the model? ...maybe I am overthinking this though (or underthinking...Friday).

manuelmessmer commented 3 years ago

Well, the solver was "only" designed to solve/ manipulate the matrices with scipy etc.. So you still have the normal Kratos wokrflow and can run nonlinear SolutionLoops. So obviously, you can just pass the matrices from the SolveSolutionStepto any python function. However, to actually return them you would have to override the RunSolutionLoop of the analysis stage. Or call the functions below individually inside your MainKratos (instead of: analysis.Run()). Line 65 calls the SolveSolutionStep of the scipy solver.