KratosMultiphysics / Kratos

Kratos Multiphysics (A.K.A Kratos) is a framework for building parallel multi-disciplinary simulation software. Modularity, extensibility and HPC are the main objectives. Kratos has BSD license and is written in C++ with extensive Python interface.
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Line2D2 Check failed in Fulldebug #9144

Closed miguelmaso closed 2 years ago

miguelmaso commented 3 years ago

Description The method ShapeFunctionsIntegrationPointsGradients for Line2D2 in FullDebug raises an error. See #9143 . Here is my console output:

Python 3.8.10 (default, Jun  2 2021, 10:49:15) 
[GCC 9.4.0] on linux
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
>>> import KratosMultiphysics as KM
 |  /           |
 ' /   __| _` | __|  _ \   __|
 . \  |   (   | |   (   |\__ \
_|\_\_|  \__,_|\__|\___/ ____/
           Multi-Physics 9.0."Dev"-af095d68cb-FullDebug
Compiled with threading support.
Maximum number of threads: 4.
Process Id: 28352 
>>> KM.Tester.RunTestSuite("KratosCoreGeometriesFastSuite")
Check failed in file /usr/include/boost/numeric/ublas/detail/matrix_assign.hpp at line 585:
size1 == size2
Ran 286 of 988 test cases in 0.0406257s. 1 failed:
    TestLine2D2ShapeFunctionsGradients Failed with message: 
        Error: bad argument
in kratos/tests/cpp_tests/sources/test_shape_function_derivatives.cpp:103:void Testing::TestShapeFunctionsGradients(const Geometry<Node<3> >&)



To Reproduce See #9143

miguelmaso commented 3 years ago

It also fails in Release

Vahid-Galavi commented 2 years ago

I also had a problem with this function, yesterday when I was using Line2D3N. I think I solved it and will make a PR soon