Kreeblah / SidewinderToUSBV2

Integrated Sidewinder adaptor with assembly files for various manufacturers
27 stars 5 forks source link

[SUGGESTION] Please consider running a crowdfunding campaign for your custom gameport-adapter (possibly with different firmware) on Crowd Supply or other similar crowdfunding platform? #6

Open Hedda opened 1 year ago

Hedda commented 1 year ago

@Kreeblah can I suggest you consider a crowdfunding campaign on Crowd Supply for a your custom gameport-adapter + possibly in combination with a different open-source firmware that would make it compatible with even more joysticks and gamepads?

That is, organize and run a crowdfunding campaign on a crowdfunding platform (such as example to fund the development and manufacturing of a larger batch of a your custom gameport-adapter PCB + pre-flashed open-source firmware + a matching custom enclosure that you arrange to have manufactured professionally one or several factories then distributed/shipped to backers/customers.

Crowd Supply is usually the perfect fit for funding and launching this type of project/products designed and made by creators:

At least I for one would love the idea if more people could enjoy and contribute to a gameport-adapter project licensed under the Open Source Hardware (OSHW) the and using open-source licensed firmware and I think a crowdfunding campaign would help put the word out and grow the user base which at some point would hopefully lead to more actively contributing developers.

Motivation; while your gameport-adapter is still a niche product with retro-gaming becoming more popular I think that today and in the near future probably a lot (relatively speaking) of retro-gaming enthusiasts and collectors would be very interested in buying a preassembled and pre-flashed version of gameport-adapter if it came in a nice enclosure and had the same feature set as your existing gameport-adapter already have if sold as a complete product that has been tested to compatible out-of-the-box with a list specific joysticks, gamepads and gaming wheels.

The things that I think are missing compared to your existing in order to make it a successful project as a crowdfunding campaign:

Then you should really just need some good marketing by reaching out to different retro-gaming communities to help spread the word.

More advanced ideas (not low-hanging-fruit so possibly not achievable if the main goals includes low-cost and easy-to-use?):

Maybe even consider asking if someone more, like example tloimu (from the Adapt-FFB-Joy project) or someone else with similar skills, would be interested in partnering on a such project to share the load of both running a crowdfunding campaign and engineering the product + developing the firmware as well as getting everything manufactured and eventually shipped?

Tip on other one-stop-shop turnkey PCB and embedded circuit board manufacturers partners, and if keeping it as open-source hardware then should know that some offer open project pages so that anyone today relatively easy (and inexpensive) can just submit the KiCad PCB layout files directly to some PCB-prototype board manufacturers like Oshpark or PCBWay who will take it then make + ship a few of the PCB boards and needed components as a kit, all without them having to use KiCad yourself or even having to understand the PCB layout:

FYI, Chinese PCB manufacturers will usually make around 20 simple PCB board like this for less than $10 and ship them to you for around $20, so depending on your country's import tax you have those at home for around $30-40 in around a months time.

PS: If you do not have time to run a crowdfunding campaign for the hardware then as an alternative your might want to consider arranging for a company like PCBWay (or another similar company) to make it for you and have them sell it from their store so you do not have to carry stock or sell it yourself, or? least you should be aware to some companies like PCBWay do offer such full shop services where they not only make and assembly your design but also act as a reseller with shipping directly to the customer:

PPS: For some more related inspiration may I recommend you check out these other similar projects/products liked below:

Monster Joysticks 9 Pin Joystick to USB Adapter product/project:

The Backoffice - Ultimate Joystick Interface:

Hedda commented 1 year ago

@Kreeblah As a workaround for now, do you know where we can buy preassembled adapters (preferably in the Europe Union)?

Hedda commented 1 year ago

@Kreeblah have you by any chance given any throughs on this idea or other ideas related to selling a finished product?

As mentioned above, an option today for semi-hobby projects who already have a working prototype is to outsource the manufacturing and distribution to partners who offer one-stop-shop turnkey PCB and embedded circuit board manufacturers, and some even offer to ship directly from China or one of their distribution points around the world.

Some companies like for example PCBWay, JLCPCB, and Oshpark do offer such full shop services where they not only make and assemble your design but also act as a reseller with shipping directly to the customer via their own shop and store. See example: