Krelborn / KILabel

A simple to use drop in replacement for UILabel for iOS 7 and above that highlights links such as URLs, twitter style usernames and hashtags and makes them touchable.
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Fix issue with indexPath in didSelectRowAtIndexPath when a cell contains KILabel #45

Open asenchuk opened 8 years ago

asenchuk commented 8 years ago

Related to #30

It looks like copy-paste issue when a chunk of code at the touchesEnded was copied from touchesBegan and after super's touchesEnded super's touchesBegan is being called.

Main.storyboard was updated to make a cell selectable. KILabelTableViewController.m updated with logging so you can check issue.

To reproduce the issue revert my changes in KILabel.m and try the following steps: 1) tap first cell - indexPath is 0-0 (correct) 2) tap second cell - indexPath is still 0-0 (wrong) 3) tap second call again - indexPath is 0-1 (correct) 4) tap first cell - indexPath is 0-1 (wrong) 5) tap first cell again - indexPath is 0-0 (correct)

Hope you will check this PR asap because it's very useful pod.

ADDED: fix for the crash caused by adding nil color to a dict

asenchuk commented 8 years ago

... and. nothing?

mobilefellow commented 8 years ago

I fixed the issue by removing for following code from "- (void)touchesEnded:(NSSet )touches withEvent:(UIEvent )event.

else { [super touchesBegan:touches withEvent:event]; }

I guess the author copied code from "- (void)touchesBegan:(NSSet )touches withEvent:(UIEvent )event" by mistake.

nazywamsiepawel commented 7 years ago

@mobilefellow thank you. I have just wasted two hours on this, taking my project (quite large) apart and going more crazy every minute. It was one of the most bizarre and random bugs I have seen this year. I'm so happy it works now.