Kreolix / CovenantMissionHelper

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New Covenants Missions Incorrect Prediction #56

Open LarionR opened 3 years ago

LarionR commented 3 years ago

Hi! With 9.1 there are new quests with EXP Item as a reward. And the prediction rarely are incorrect.

shinwatori commented 2 years ago

Still an issue as of the 7/27/21 release. The "Shirking Work" prediction in particular seems to be way off.

datgrl commented 2 years ago

I posted a similar issue and cannont find it here. I also commented on another thread with this error and I can't find that one either. I'm seeing the same issue but not only with the new mats/9.2 missions. I'm seeing it on older ones, as well. complete-win complete-win2