Kreolix / CovenantMissionHelper

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CovenantMissionHelper somehow interfering with Torghast's "Activate Empowerment" spell #58

Open Wisdawn opened 3 years ago

Wisdawn commented 3 years ago

I know that this is strange, as the addon is not supposed to be related to Torghast at all, but the other day, I was doing a Torghast run, and upon trying to use the Activate Empowerment spell button that shows up once your Anima Power bar reaches the threshold, I got an error message similar to this one but related to Covenant Mission Helper instead, saying, "Covenant Misson Helper has been blocked from an action only available to the Blizzard UI. You can disable this addon and reload the UI."

And yes, somehow the other addon in the screenshot above, GarrisonCommander, is also linked to this.

I think Blizzard did something to the UI of all mission tables in patch 9.1, and the Activate Empowerment spell in Torghast is somehow related to all this.

/reload resolves the issue, it seems, but while this may be a temporary solution for any Covenant mission table issues, it's not an acceptable solution for Torghast, as the player is usually preparing for a big pull just before activating Empowerment in Torghast, and to get oneself into a big pull while depending on Empowerment only to end up not getting, and even getting an error message like that blocking the upper-middle view of the screen can often lead to death, which reduces Torghast Knowledge gained, and so on.

Perhaps you could cooperate with GarrisonCommander's author to try to trace the causes of this issue.

tflo commented 3 years ago

Hi, I’m not the author of this add-on, but I have experienced similar issues with this (and other) add-ons.

The issue you are describing seems to be a Tainting issue. There are at least two things you can do by yourself:

Hope this helps.

– Tom

Wisdawn commented 3 years ago

Thank you so much for your reply to the issue I described, Tom. I really appreciate it, especially because your reply is very educational. I'm not a programmer but I'm a scripter, and have been familiar with and interested in programming for years, so the article about Tainting in Blizzard's API has been very informative and useful to me.

I've also been using BetterAddonList, which is inspired by Addon Control Panel and receives more recent updates — it seems, for a long time. However, I needed the reminder that I can actually put together a "Torghast" addon list on it, or on ACP. Never really thought of that, as I dislike changing my addon list except as rarely as possible and only when absolutely necessary, like for new characters or for a character that I'm retiring or starting to play after a long parking time. I just hate the /reload wait time, even if it's just 7 seconds or whatever. With that said, I'll definitely be installing the Taintless addon too, and if any similar issues persist, I'll seriously be considering using a Torghast addon list.

Thanks again. You were an immense help to me in many ways until CovenantMissionHelper and GarrisonCommander authors can find out how they can avoid the Tainting issue when it comes to the Torghast Activate Emporment spell.

tflo commented 3 years ago

Attention: This post is completely OT, and, @ the repo maintainer, I’m not angry in any way if you prefer to remove this post.


I've also been using BetterAddonList , which is inspired by Addon Control Panel

Many Thanks for mentioning this. BAL is essentially a ACP fork, but it has some nifty things I appreciate: The ‘filter by enabled’, the alphanumeric sort, which allows me to order my sets more easily than with ACP, and some other sweeties. Wasn’t aware of BAL before, thank you.

Concerning the updates, you surely know that the author of ACP has passed away recently. (sylvanaar, the author of Prat.) But according to the ACP curseforge page it seems that the add-on already has a new maintainer. So, I’m not too concerned about the future of ACP. (Non-regarding the feature discrepancy as mentioned above.)

Concerning usage of add-on sets in general:

I also prefer to run all toons with one add-on set, but:

My set for ‘outdoor content of mixed kind’ (the normal set for my active chars) needs ~21s to load. It contains some nasty, database-heavy stuff like ATT, Rarity, Oribos Exchange[^1] , and more. No CPU issue, no memory issue, but a loading time annoyance.

So, the thing is: I have 10 chars at lv60 in Shadowlands, but I play only 3 or 4 of them each day, so the others just sit in their covenant – and they told me they are OK with that – and basically are just operating the Mission Table. For these guys I do not need Plater, Details, Recount, Oribos, Rarity, SilverDragon, GatherMate or whatnot. I just need a quick load time, because I check the Mission Table whenever a couple of missions have ended. (InProgressMissions is invaluable for this.)

The other thing is: Even the “active” chars, who are carrying all kind of add-ons for all eventualities, do not carry all. For example, the Torghast-specific add-ons like TorghastTeams, and a bunch more, are just… too specific.

Hence, the need for a dedicated Torghast set ;) And, the moment when I include add-ons for the Torghast set, I can as well exclude a shitload of Torghast-unnecessary add-ons from that set.

Damn, I digress ;)

Concerning CovenantMissionHelper itself:

You certainly know Venture Plan, right? Well, this add-on is 4 or 5 leagues above CovenantMissionHelper (CMH). This is not the fault of CMH, the author of Venture Plan just is a too good programmer and connoisseur of the API. (It’s the same guy who has written M6 and OPie, both invaluable and indispensable add-ons, especially M6. And also TaintLess, btw.)

Well, I wanted to propose to you that – if you didn’t knew Venture Plan – you maybe should try it instead of CMH. But the thing is that Venture Plan currently is not compatible with 9.1. (So says the author; he’s making a pause from WoW. But since recently a “A 9.1-compatible continuation is currently planned.”-message can be seen on the page(!!!)).

But, another ‘but’, but a positive one this time: For “most” missions Venture Plan still works perfectly fine (comparable or better than CMH). You just have to plan-in a safety margin for missions with random stuff, especially the new 9.1 missions (what you do with CMH also). Besides that, Venture Plan also has some QoL things like telling you beforehand if a champion will level up, or a greatly improved UI, etc.

Currently I’m evaluating both on a 3-day change with all toons, and my result so far: Doing new missions (9.1 missions) with Venture Plan can be really dangerous. The prediction of CMH is way better here. But for pre-9.1 missions, you are pretty safe with the predictions by Venture Plan – but not as safe you were before 9.1! [^2]

– Tom

[^1]: TUJ, which I was using before, was even worse with >100MB

[^2]: Before 9.1, the predictions of Venture Plan were 99% accurate, even if success seemed impossible to you, judging by numbers.