Kreyren / kreyren

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In reply to the 5 day suspension from NixOS Matrix Space #108

Open Kreyren opened 1 month ago

Kreyren commented 1 month ago

DISLAIMER: Compiled from available information, if there are inaccuracies then let me know and i do my best to update the statement/issue an apology if i am wrong. I am making this reply publicly in hopes that it will lead to positive changes in NixOS.

Pending review from the NixOS Moderation Team for accuracy of the claimed events that lead to my suspension.

Official Response from NixOS moderation representative (assumed @endocrimes):

We're going to be suspending you from matrix for a week. This is after a warning on 2024-05-14 after your comments about Marsam and the warning for racism against Russians on 2024-04-27 - and the continued behavior today in the exchange about RedHat, their developers, and their projects. In the interests of avoiding hurting and burning out others in the community, we feel this action is the correct one to give you some time for self-reflection.

I hope that you can use this time to take on some of the feedback that was given to you in the channel, and that when you come back, that you can be more constructive when responding to things, rather than jumping to emotional extremes.

If you need any help working on that, feel free to email, and we can work with you to help give some tools on constructive collaboration and compassion - but the thing I find most helpful is "if i feel heated while writing something, I close it, and do something else/go for a walk to be able to give a more measured response if it actually needs one later".

Marsam comment

@marsam is unethical dipshit in my view who realizes that he has an important role in a distribution used for production and mission critical environment and decides to leave without taking the appropriate steps to ensure that someone else can easily take over his work and on his GitHub profile has "From river to the sea Palestive will be free" which based on available information is a slogan created by Palestine Liberation Organization founded by recognized terrorist organization Fatah who is speculated to be affiliated in the 1971 Munich Massacre where 8 man with AK-47, pistols and granades infiltrated the Munich Olympic Games in Munich Germany, killed 2 people and took 9 hostages who they they later murdered[2] and is today used by HAMAS and Al Qaeda terrorists calling for a genocide of not only jewish population in between the Jordan River and the Mediterranean Sea[].


I said i find him disgusting and that i don't want to elaborate on that to not start drama for which i apparently received a warning.

Alleged racism against russians

I don't know what is the racism against russians about, they are a shit nation with shit government doing bullshit in the world including the murder of my friends and relatives, fuck em.

There are decent russians and i respect everyone who stands up against the Putin regime, if you are a russian who wants to take action against this regime and/or the war in ukraine then refer to legion liberty on e.g.

For RedHat/Fedora

I live in Brno, Czech republic where i have to deal with their current/formal employees on weekly bases, they in super majority have ego through the roof and are filled with bad practices that they refuse to talk about so that it's not so painful to work with them for any kind of programming project that i am unable to avoid with them which i am actively trying to do to the best of my ability.

iirc I said that RedHat devs dissapointed me too many times in the past on the shown fedora-based distro and asked for details about it for which i got backlash. Beyond that i said that their security researchers are probably one of the best in the open-source community.

Final Statement

I am doing my best to maintain neutral and professional behavior in NixOS outside of that including offtopic channel (which is where these three complains apparently happened) i am more formal. Keep the ban on, i won't be a part of a community that censors my opinions and praises people who support/commit genocide and other atrocities.

For RedHat criticism i tried to be as objective and respectful as i could and i am happy to take criticism on what could i said differently, if that ends up with their employees being less pain to work then i will have less problems to deal with and wouldn't have to have this opinion of them.

I am trying to avoid being dragged in the @anduril drama, but i can't possibly avoid it in the environment that there is in NixOS channels:


or 1 state solution in which israel and palestine live in peace and equality with everyone being able to participate in the government's fair elections.


  1. Britannica article on Fatah:
  2. Wiki Article on the Munich Massacre in 1972:
  3. Video on the Munich Massacre:

CC Moderation Team of NixOS: @K900 @mweinelt @lassulus

Apologies to hiroshi for wrong ping