KriesiMedia / Enfold-Feature-Requests

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aria labels in buttons andother elements #111

Open ip2C opened 1 month ago

ip2C commented 1 month ago

We need to add aria labels.

So it would be nice on buttons and other necessary elements to have standard aria labels and mabe a textfield in the ALB to change the artria label?! What do you think.

Below isi generated a list of suggested aria-label attributes for various standard icons, buttons, and other web page elements often used in content management systems like WordPress with page builders:


Search Icon: aria-label="Search" Menu Icon: aria-label="Menu" Close Icon: aria-label="Close" Settings Icon: aria-label="Settings" Download Icon: aria-label="Download" Help Icon: aria-label="Help" User Profile Icon: aria-label="Profile" Shopping Cart Icon: aria-label="Cart"


Submit Button: aria-label="Submit" Read More Button: aria-label="Read more about {topic}" Download Button: aria-label="Download {file-type, e.g., PDF}" Add to Cart Button: aria-label="Add {product name} to cart" Play Video Button: aria-label="Play video"



Next Slide Button: aria-label="Next slide" Previous Slide Button: aria-label="Previous slide" Slide Indicator: aria-label="Slide {number} of {total}"

Other Elements

Form Labels: Each label should clearly describe the input field, e.g., aria-label="Email address" Navigation Links: Each link should explain its destination, e.g., aria-label="Navigate to {page name}" Social Media Links: Each link should denote its function, e.g., aria-label="Visit our Facebook page"

WordPress Page Builder Elements

InoPlugs commented 1 month ago

Please note:

Many ALB elements already have an aria-label option in Advanced -> Developer Setting

Is activated with $this->config['aria_label'] = 'yes'; in function shortcode_insert_button()



Other Elements