KriesiMedia / enfold-library

Enfold WordPress Theme Code Snippet Library
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Alt tags in div... masonry ? Accessibility Error and WCAG Arror #25

Open ip2C opened 5 days ago

ip2C commented 5 days ago

Error: Attribute alt not allowed on element div at this point.

<div class='av-masonry-image-container' style="background-image: url(https://qualitaetsoffensive-tei…morientierung.jpg);" title="22-Sozialraumorientierung" alt="Menükachel: Sozialraumorientierung" ></div>

It seems that the masonry element pushes alt tags in divs. This should be cleared? especcially for AAA and for WCAG or BITV

InoPlugs commented 5 days ago


Thanks. You are right (see Only title attribute needed.

I removed it in next release 6.0.1.

If you want to test it:

Replace ...\enfold\config-templatebuilder\avia-shortcode-helpers\class-avia-masonry.php


ip2C commented 5 days ago

Thanks - it seems the new issue System with Github is a quite well decision. As i checked the code I see it is quite better.

So I saw the next role error:

Error: An element with role=menuitem must be contained in, or owned by, an element with role=menubar or role=menu. </a></li><li role="menuitem" id="menu-item-84515" class="menu-item menu-item-type-post_type menu-item-object-page menu-item-privacy-policy menu-item-mega-parent menu-item-top-level menu-item-top-level-8"><a hre

Maybe you have time to check