Kris-B / nanoGALLERY

image gallery simplified - jQuery plugin. Touch enabled, responsive, justified/cascading/grid layout and it supports pulling in Flickr, Google Photos and self hosted images.
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NG v5.0.3 using Google/Picasa - thumbnailWidth & thumbnailHeight Issues #43

Closed webelementz closed 9 years ago

webelementz commented 9 years ago

I have read over the release notes from the version which we were running to the latest upgraded version (we were on 4.4.2) and noticed that support for hammer.js was removed and the thumbnailWidth=autoUpScale option was depreciated... After upgrading everything to 5.0.3 recently (was forced too because of the JQUERY error) our thumbnails are no longer scaling to 300 width x 200 height, even if I set the width/height, it defaults to 200px x 200px no matter what. I searched the CSS & went through everything multiple times, am I missing something or has this gone unreported till now? Much thanks for your support! Screen shot attached.


webelementz commented 9 years ago

Also just want to add that I just noticed while testing this on multiple browsers/platforms that it is only an issue with Google Chrome and Internet Explorer. Firefox displays the thumbnails at the properly set Height/Width. I have not tested Safari yet, I will have my client test it when he gets into the office first thing and get back to you.

Thanks again.

Kris-B commented 9 years ago

Hi! Actually, depending of the thumbnail size, Picasa/Google+ will return cropped (square) images. But this should not happen with your values. More details on I've tested your page with Chrome and the thumbnail size is correct.

And some additional infos:

Let me now if you still encounter issues.

PS: I may be wrong but I'm not sure that a commercial license has been purchased for this projet... ;-)

webelementz commented 9 years ago

Hi Kris thanks for the reply. Yes we have a commercial license already (Zeovit/Route66Marine). I played around with the width/height properties after reading the link you provided. I changed it to 280px and it worked in chrome but now firefox is showing the thumbnails the same way as the original screen shot I provided (200px x 200px). I am kinda confused! :)

Kris-B commented 9 years ago

I didn't know that you are Zeovit... thanks for your support!

I could reproduce the problem. I think that Google is currently changing some behaviour in the Picasa/Google+ API.
A quick workaround for you is to force the thumbnail to be always uncropped:

This is a temporary workaround until I implement a general solution...

Kris-B commented 9 years ago

@webelementz In v5.1.0, with storage on Picasa/Google+, thumbnail images are now forced to be uncropped (in previous versions, Google choosed which version to deliver). If you need the cropped (square) version, you can simply add Cto the thumbnail size. More details:

webelementz commented 9 years ago

Yes, just applied the latest build and everything is working perfectly again across all platforms that I tested! Very nice! Keep up the great work!

Scott Hasler WebElementz Design Group

Kris-B commented 9 years ago

;-) Thanks for the feedback!