Kris-B / nanoGALLERY

image gallery simplified - jQuery plugin. Touch enabled, responsive, justified/cascading/grid layout and it supports pulling in Flickr, Google Photos and self hosted images.
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Supports touch selection #67

Closed R-II closed 9 years ago

R-II commented 9 years ago

Hi Chris,

Here is my last hack.

Add: showCheckboxes option Add: fnInitGallery callback (called after each gallery construction) Add: fnChangeSelectMode callback (called when entering or leaving selection mode) Add: setSelectMode (enter/leave selection mode) Add: getSelectMode (is the viewer in selection mode) Add: selection on long touch Add: selectable class when entering in selection mode

Thanks for the credits :-)


Kris-B commented 9 years ago

Hey Raph!

Thanks for this new PR!

Concerning the chekcboxes: I'm not really happy with this because depending on user settings, checkboxes could be positioned over thumbnail title or description. Which is not very nice. My idea was to let the user add the checkboxes (or other visual elements) per script. If you check the source of the file demonstration.html, you will see an example (fnDemoThumbnailInit and fnDemoThumbnailSelection). But, I'll check you new implementation!

R-II commented 9 years ago

Thanks for commiting :-)

Concerning checkboxes, I get the idea, but a full API must be provided in order to be sure to get the select state of each image. It may takes time. Annother way would be to invite the user to modify the checkbox position by CSS.

I used checkboxes for ergonomy purpose : without, the user may not understand that he can select the image. If you have another idea, i'm listening.

I am working on the removal support, I'll try to commit my work in a few days.
