Kris-B / nanoGALLERY

image gallery simplified - jQuery plugin. Touch enabled, responsive, justified/cascading/grid layout and it supports pulling in Flickr, Google Photos and self hosted images.
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Can the popup photo be centered? #77

Closed RickCogley closed 9 years ago

RickCogley commented 9 years ago

Hi - thank you for nanoGallery. I have a question, if you wouldn't mind: I have it working, basically, but I wonder if I can center-align the popped up photo, like the floating tool bar is centered.

My as-yet-unpublished site has a sidebar on the left, and the body, where the div is for nanoGallery, is in the main area to the right.

When I click the thumbnail, the photo pops up, but inside the right area, while the toolbar does indeed get centered. I'd like to center both if possible.

Please advise. Sincerely, Rick

nanogallery popup not centered 2015-04-30_14-40-20

Kris-B commented 9 years ago

Hi Rick, I need to check your page. Is there a way to access your page?

RickCogley commented 9 years ago

@Kris-B, hi, thanks for answering. I'll publish the page soon and will come back here to give you the URL. Appreciate your help in advance. Sincerely, Rick

RickCogley commented 9 years ago

@Kris-B, hi, this is a temporary URL, but please see this:

If you click on one of the photos, the photo stays within the main text area, but the toolbar centers across the screen.

Sincerely, Rick

RickCogley commented 9 years ago

@Kris-B, hi, I switched the site to my main URL. Please see this URL instead:

Kind regards, Rick

Kris-B commented 9 years ago

Hi @RickCogley, Actually, there's a conflict with your CSS file :

.content { padding: 2rem 3rem 0; margin-left: 25%; }

This entry is not specific enough, so it will also apply on the "content" element in nanogallery, causing this issue.

RickCogley commented 9 years ago

thanks @Kris-B I'll look into doing that. Appreciate your help and time.