Kris-B / nanoGALLERY

image gallery simplified - jQuery plugin. Touch enabled, responsive, justified/cascading/grid layout and it supports pulling in Flickr, Google Photos and self hosted images.
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problem when setting "paginationMaxLinesPerPage" #79

Closed lesingerouge closed 8 years ago

lesingerouge commented 9 years ago

The gallery starts by loading only 1 thumbnail element per line (with pagination for the other elements) then when an album is clicked or the home button (Galleries) is clicked it reverts to a grid thumbnail layout.

If I do not define "paginationMaxLinesPerPage" or if I set it to 0, it puts all elements in different rows, one under the other.

My settings: $("#nanoGallery").nanoGallery({ items: dataobj, itemsSelectable: true, showCheckboxes: true, thumbnailWidth: 100, thumbnailHeight: 100, breadcrumbAutoHideTopLevel: false, galleryToolbarWidthAligned: false, maxItemsPerLine: 7, paginationMaxLinesPerPage: 0, paginationDots : false, thumbnailHoverEffect: 'borderLighter,imageScaleIn80', itemsBaseURL: "/media/thumb/get_files", locationHash: false, colorScheme: 'light' });

Maybe I am doing something wrong, but I cannot seem to find it.

P.S.:great gallery plugin!

Kris-B commented 9 years ago

Do you have a page where I can see this issue? Can you give me the URL?

lesingerouge commented 9 years ago

Sorry for the late reply. I am working to separate it from the rest of the app so that I can make the url public. Be right back!

lesingerouge commented 9 years ago

Unfortunately I cannot make that particular page public (server code too complicated), but I think the reason for the error is a conflict with some other scripts in the page. I have tested the library on a page with no other scripts and there are no errors. Unfortunately the other script on the page is CKeditor which means that debugging will be hell.

Kris-B commented 8 years ago

closed due to lack of information