Kris-B / nanoGALLERY

image gallery simplified - jQuery plugin. Touch enabled, responsive, justified/cascading/grid layout and it supports pulling in Flickr, Google Photos and self hosted images.
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Album Id in picasa/google+/photo provider #89

Closed dcoeurjo closed 8 years ago

dcoeurjo commented 8 years ago

Apparently, google has changed is API/url system for albums and I don't know how to get the id of brand new albums. Any idea to connect these albums to nanoGallery ? thx

TuSKan commented 8 years ago

It's works, at least for me. My problem was just change the ? by &. USERID /albums/ ALBUMID ? authkey= key:

change ALBUMID ? authkey= key to ALBUMID & authkey= key.

Try it.

dcoeurjo commented 8 years ago

Actually, my new album has an URL like this:

And the url is also different when accessing from google+

AlexRed commented 8 years ago

You can use only the albums that are on Google+ Photos and not those on the new service Google Photos. To visit the old interface Google+ Photos : To visit the new interface Google Photos this is the link:

In view of the gradual abandonment of Google+ Photos by Google, it is expected to be used also the new Google Photos but you need to make the new albums created by Google Photos "public".

You can make public your new album created with Google Photos from Google+ Photos or from Picasa by accessing this link: Selecting the album you must access the "Actions" menu and change the "Album Properties" setting "Visibility" -> "Public on the web".

dcoeurjo commented 8 years ago

Thanks a lot @AlexRed & @TuSKan. Browsing my album from the old google+Photos interface solves my problem. (however, from the new interface, I cannot get the albumId --and yes, my album is "public"--).

thanks again, I close this issue..

Kris-B commented 8 years ago

Hoping the Google API will be extended to support Google Photos in a near future...

Many thanks @AlexRed for the procedure! I'll add it to the documentation.

jancona commented 8 years ago

It looks like the old G+ interface is no longer available, but if you visit this URL<userId>, you'll get an Atom XML feed of your albums. (Depending on your browser, you may need to do a View Source to see the XML.) If you search through the XML for the album name you're interested in, you'll find a link tag nearby that includes the albumId, something like<userId>/albumid/<albumId>. The albumId there works.

Hope this helps, and that Google gets its Photos API act together soon.

Kris-B commented 8 years ago


I'm trying to make it easier to retrieve the userID and the albums IDs.

So I just added the button Retrieve your Google+ informations on the documentation:

webrunner74 commented 8 years ago

Thanks jancona, you saved my day, looks that this feed is the last way to get our old albums ids. I needed those ids for jquery plugin, equivalent I guess to nanogallery...

dkutcher commented 8 years ago

This method might help:

Essentially getting your User ID, then pulling up a JSON listing of all of your public albums to find the album ID.