Closed CantLooseToAMoose closed 5 months ago
You are correct, they changed the metadata versions as well as the topic names of the lidar and IMU packets. I think that the old version of this repositorys ouster_ros
does not support the new metadata format.
In order to use the new metadata format, you need to use a recent of the ouster_ros
package. The new version expects the topic names to be /ouster/lidar_packets
and /ouster/imu_packets
while in this old version they are /os_node/lidar_packets
and /os_node/imu_packets
I think the easiest fix is to change the topic names in the src/pcap_to_bag.cpp
file in lines 66-71 and create a rosbag with the renamed topics:
if (payload.size() == lidar_payload_size) {
bag.write("/ouster/lidar_packets", ros_time, msg);
} else if (payload.size() == imu_payload_size) {
bag.write("/ouster/imu_packets", ros_time, msg);
Then you are able to replay the rosbag with the most recent ouster_ros
Hey, thanks for the help. This works now, I have created a pull request for this if you want to.
Hello everyone,
I struggle how to successfully convert the bag file into a new file with the right topic format. I see that I am supposed to run the bag file through the ouster_ros node. However, I struggle on how to do this exactly. When using the newest version of the
Repository I can replay the bag file, however only the original topics get played. When I am trying to run theouster_ros
from the ouster_example repository with the linked tag in this Repos' ReadMe, I can not seem to get the replay running.When I try to run:
roslaunch ouster_ros ouster.launch replay:=true metadata:=/home/gia/pcap_files/OS-1-128_122213002147_1024x10_20231220_145435.json
i get the following error:
WARNING: No data_format found. terminate called after throwing an instance of 'std::invalid_argument' what(): n_cols_of_lidar_mode [ERROR] [1716540121.173213767]: Calling config service failed
I assume they changed the metadata's content in recent versions? Or maybe I am doing something fundamentally wrong as I am no expert.