Krishtof-Korda / pcap-to-bag

Tool to convert ouster lidar sensor pcap files into rosbag files for use in ouster_example/ouster_ros
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datatype/md5sum #5

Closed Ali-Darzi closed 2 years ago

Ali-Darzi commented 2 years ago

Hi, I converted the Pcap file to bag to use it in Fast-LIO_SLAM, but I get the following error. [ERROR] [1652370710.955314568]: Client [/laserMapping] wants topic /os_node/lidar_packets to have datatype/md5sum [sensor_msgs/PointCloud2/1158d486dd51d683ce2f1be655c3c181], but our version has [ouster_ros/PacketMsg/4f7b5949e76f86d01e96b0e33ba9b5e3]. Dropping connection.

it seems that datatype/md5sum is the problem. is there an easy fix for it?

Ali-Darzi commented 2 years ago

I figured out that the bag contains the topics from os_node (which are imu_packets and lidar_packets). While the topics of os_cloud_node are needed (imu and points). Could you add os_cloud_node code to the conversion with the option of selecting either nodes?

Krishtof-Korda commented 2 years ago

Hi @Ali-Darzi ,

You are exactly correct about which topics are published and that is by design to minimize the file size.

I have updated the instructions in the readme with how to create the topics with the points in them.

Cheers, Krishtof

Ali-Darzi commented 2 years ago

Thanks Krishtof, The solution was simple and effective.
