I was using it on new fresh project for playground before integrating with real app on Swift 5.
Just want to let know if you're having the same trouble.
While initialize GalleryViewController for the first time, please make sure that you DISABLE SCENE SESSION on your project :
AppDelegate : remove any scene session delegate
Remove any scene session related on Info.plist
Don't forget to add : var window: UIWindow? (on AppDelegate)
Otherwise, you will get error in UIApplication without any error log.
I was using it on new fresh project for playground before integrating with real app on Swift 5. Just want to let know if you're having the same trouble.
While initialize GalleryViewController for the first time, please make sure that you DISABLE SCENE SESSION on your project :
Otherwise, you will get error in UIApplication without any error log.
Great library by the way. Cheers. CMIW