KristofferC / Crayons.jl

Colored and styled strings for terminals.
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Crayons do not work with line breaks and with the standard Julia logging. #26

Open dmitry-v-vlasov opened 5 years ago

dmitry-v-vlasov commented 5 years ago
using Crayons.Box
@info LIGHT_GRAY_FG("Hello,\nUniverse!")


ghjwp7 commented 2 years ago

Maybe this issue should be closed, as it isn't a Crayons issue. It probably is a Julia-print-system issue or a logging.jl issue that could be mentioned in Crayons docs.

To see it isn't a Crayons issue, note that while 'Hello' printed ok in gray foreground, the at the beginning of the second line switched to cyan color. That is, the print-system or logging applied a color change that ignored and overrode the previous setting. Instead of changing back to previous color after that, the print-system or logging apparently set a default color.

I don't see any color changes in logging.jl and don't know where the cyan or green colors were set. In 1.7.0-rc2 REPL on my Linux system, white is the default color instead of green. Running your test code in a program file has the same result as in REPL.

A workaround might be to store the desired Crayon setup in a variable or function C, and reapply it after a \n. Eg, @info C("Hello,\n"), C("Universe!") or @info "$(C)Hello,\n$(C)Universe!". I'm not sure if the latter is feasible and don't know whether Crayons stores the current state aside from user-initiated stacking. I think it isn't able to detect from scratch what the state is.

czylabsonasa commented 1 year ago

as a quick & dirty workaround i would define a function that takes a Crayon c and a message String m and apply c for each of the "rows" of m:


(rdrw stands for redefine row wise :-) )