KristofferC / NearestNeighbors.jl

High performance nearest neighbor data structures (KDTree and BallTree) and algorithms for Julia.
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use ArrayOfArrays for return value to reduce the number of allocated arrays #167

Open KristofferC opened 9 months ago

KristofferC commented 9 months ago

A long standing gripe for me has been that indices and distances are returned as standard nested Arrays. Typically, each inner array hold quite a small number of neighbors so it means that we allocate a large number of small arrays.

Using ArrayOfArrays, these are stored contigously in one large flat array instead.

The difference in allocations can be readily seen:

julia> input = rand(3, 10^6);

julia> tree = KDTree(rand(3, 10^6));

julia> @time knn(tree, input, 5);
  1.538003 seconds (2.00 M allocations: 221.253 MiB, 10.03% gc time)

julia> @time knn(tree, input, 5);
  1.489310 seconds (98 allocations: 189.884 MiB, 0.29% gc time)
KristofferC commented 2 months ago

@nanosoldier runtests()

nanosoldier commented 2 months ago

Update on PkgEvalJob KristofferC/NearestNeighbors.jl@048c5a7 vs. KristofferC/NearestNeighbors.jl@bc645d1: Accepted

nanosoldier commented 2 months ago

Update on PkgEvalJob KristofferC/NearestNeighbors.jl@048c5a7 vs. KristofferC/NearestNeighbors.jl@bc645d1: Running

nanosoldier commented 2 months ago

The package evaluation job you requested has completed - possible new issues were detected. The full report is available.