KristofferC / OhMyREPL.jl

Syntax highlighting and other enhancements for the Julia REPL
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API extension for the REPL? #268

Open ylvain opened 2 years ago

ylvain commented 2 years ago

Related to #267. While reading the code of OhMyREPL I was a bit frightened by all the key rebinding... It seems that lots of critical things could be broken if/when the code of the REPL change. I understand that you need to do this, notably to invoke OhMyREPL.Prompt.rewrite_with_ANSI(s)

But this got me thinking... could we have a "post process the LineEdit buffer" API directly from the REPL ? The julia core seems open to this kind of things (viz all the hooks in Experimental). Has this been discussed already? It doesn't seem too hard to do, I may work on a PR (for the Julia REPL)....