KristofferC / OhMyREPL.jl

Syntax highlighting and other enhancements for the Julia REPL
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Fix moving up and down in REPL #350

Closed huangyxi closed 4 days ago

huangyxi commented 5 days ago

Fix #349 corresponding to

daviehh commented 4 days ago

Thanks for the quick fix! If you do not wish to hard code by assuming main mode is first entry, one can replace the main_mode = interface_modes[1] line w/ something like

get_prompt_str = m -> LineEdit.prompt_string(isdefined(m, :prompt) ? m.prompt : "")
mm_idx_ = findfirst(m -> get_prompt_str(m) == REPL.JULIA_PROMPT, interface_modes) # main mode index
mm_idx = isnothing(mm_idx_) ? 1 : mm_idx_
main_mode = interface_modes[mm_idx]