KristofferC / PGFPlotsX.jl

Plots in Julia using the PGFPlots LaTeX package
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Add a CUSTOM_AXIS_OPTIONS parameter ? #277

Closed BambOoxX closed 2 years ago

BambOoxX commented 2 years ago

In general, I tend to use a specific style for my figures, to reproduce the axis line styles, grid styles, figure dimensions and others.

When writing the whole code in LaTeX, I use a \pgfplotsset{every axis/.append style={...}} to do that. I tried doing something similar in julia with push!(PGFPlotsX.CUSTOM_PREAMBLE,raw"\pgfplotsset{every axis/.append style={width = 7cm, height = 4cm, scale only axis}}") without success.

I am wondering if it is because such calls are misinterpreted by julia or if we should add a specific way of doing this with a new parameter list such as CUSTOM_AXIS_OPTIONS ?

tpapp commented 2 years ago

Please provide a self-contained MWE.

BambOoxX commented 2 years ago

This is a MWE based on Plots with PGFPlotsX as a backend. If you think using PGFplotX directly should make a difference, I will try and make a specific MWE.

using Plots
# reference plot
plt1 = plot(rand(10)) #<-- gives 1st picture
# plot with modified fonts
plt2 = plot(rand(10)) # <-- gives 2nd picture (font is correctly changed)

# plot with custom dimensions
push!(PGFPlotsX.CUSTOM_PREAMBLE,raw"\pgfplotsset{every axis/.append style={width = 7cm, height = 4cm, scale only axis}}")
plt3 = plot(rand(10)) #<-- gives 3rd picture (but output size is incorrect)

Picture 1 1

Picture 2 2

Picture 3 3

tpapp commented 2 years ago

Works fine for me with PGFPlotsX directly:

julia> using PGFPlotsX

julia> push!(PGFPlotsX.CUSTOM_PREAMBLE,raw"\usepackage{newtxtext,newtxmath}")
1-element Vector{String}:

julia> p = Plot(Table(1:10, rand(10)))

julia> mktemp() do path, io
       path *= ".tex"
       pgfsave(path, p)
       print(read(path, String))
% Default preamble
% Custom preamble from global variable:
        table[row sep={\\}]
            1.0  0.6793680467215424  \\
            2.0  0.45903377344883056  \\
            3.0  0.6449446620649999  \\
            4.0  0.4054748173598529  \\
            5.0  0.9034463312648656  \\
            6.0  0.4954700932822882  \\
            7.0  0.3087832461557233  \\
            8.0  0.5392974240263115  \\
            9.0  0.858539634174244  \\
            10.0  0.9793512572522536  \\
BambOoxX commented 2 years ago

Indeed, once again, this seems to be due to Plots rather than PGFPlotsX thanks for the help.