KristofferC / PGFPlotsX.jl

Plots in Julia using the PGFPlots LaTeX package
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Appending `\draw` options in TikzPicture #299

Closed rs7q5 closed 1 year ago

rs7q5 commented 1 year ago


I'm trying to add draw commands in my tikz document, originally I had hard coded it all and made the tikz picture as follows with the draw options explicit in the string and this works fine, however I wanted to make this an argument and splice it together.

As a note I can't use VBand because I don't want the top or bottoms drawn on the areas just the sides, additionally I am drawing over multiple plots. And my drawing commands are correct too, so it's just getting the options types working

Currently works - hard coding the options

For the MWE below draw_cmds is a vector of strings containing elements like the \draw command below which currently work fine. \draw[black!50, fill, fill opacity={0.1}] (bot1a|-top1a) rectangle (top1b|-bot1b);

pnew = @pgf TikzPicture(gp, 

Current Issue - customizing \draw options

So if I instead splice together [raw"\draw",@pgf{options},"coordinates, etc"] I get a vector of vectors, that's an easy work around and all of that, I can't add them to the TikzPicture because the vector of draw_cmds has each individual \draw split into [\draw,options,"rest of command"], which has types [String,PGFPlotsX.Options,String] and TikzPicture does not know what to do with the PGFPlotsX.Options. If I make it all a string, I get \drawPGFPlotsX.Options.... when I use print_tex which it of course still does not know what to do with.

The print_tex of [\draw,options,"rest of command"] is exactly what one would expect and like that to me hardcoding it (shown below), but I can't seem to figure out how to get the string to splice together so I guess I was wondering is there a way for a command like print_tex to be returned like a option_string(PGFPlotsX.Options). I think I'm just missing something obvious though.

using print_tex by specifying custom options:

[black!50, fill, fill opacity={0.1}]  (bot1a|-top1a) rectangle (top1b|-bot1b);

Also FWIW this command below works in another function I have, but I'm pushing to an Axis instead of a TikzPicture @pgf push!(ax,[raw"\draw",diagonal_args,raw"(rel axis cs: 0,0) -- (rel axis cs: 1,1);"]);

rs7q5 commented 1 year ago

This is resolved, totally missed the part of the docs that said to just do print_tex(String,...). My bad