This is a website that allows user to add their secrets anonymously to the website. Thus makes its interesting. One can add their secrets that they don't want to share with anyone.
Issue: Provide Responsiveness and more options on "Add secret" Page
Closes #202
I started with making header(Navbar) and Footer responsive. (Comment is added so that it can be identified in your code)
Then I have changed password field (Added Show password checkbox) in login and register page (Working fine).
Then I have added two options on "secrets" page: "Edit Secret" and "Remove Secret" (Works fine when user is logged in and authenticated, otherwise shows error on console).
I made the secret page responsive.
Now website works fine on mobile screen.
Further improvement or faced any issue while using
Please reflect the issue if you face in my portion of changes.
Issue: Provide Responsiveness and more options on "Add secret" Page
Closes #202
Further improvement or faced any issue while using
Video of changes:
Responsiveness of the website home page:
Changes on register page( I have not changed UI as other contributors are already working on it):
Edit and Delete option:
Edit and Delete option in responsive mode:
[x] My code adheres to the established style guidelines of the project.
[x] I have included comments in areas that may be difficult to understand.
[x] My changes have not introduced any new warnings.
[x] I have conducted a self-review of my code.
If you want to make further changes and add new things, feel free to approach me for this. Thank You for your time!