Krombik / keysender

Node.js Desktop Automation for Windows.
MIT License
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`scrollWheel` doesn't work [fix available] [Windows] #25

Open Mr-VIT opened 10 months ago

Mr-VIT commented 10 months ago

both Virtual and Hardware scrollWheel doesn't work. A window does not react.

OS: Windows 11

I fixed Virtual.scrollWheel need swap low/high order words in wParam and x = 120 : `SendMessageA(hWnd, WM_MOUSEWHEEL, MAKEWPARAM(0, x120), MAKELPARAM(lastCoords.x, lastCoords.y));` according

Hardware.scrollWheel fix: just x*=120

Krombik commented 10 months ago

Hi, you can create pull request with this fix, then I check if it works.