KronicDeth / intellij-elixir

Elixir plugin for JetBrain's IntelliJ Platform (including Rubymine)
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Enabling proper code generation for comments (Comment with Line/Block Comment) #3582

Open rNoz opened 2 months ago

rNoz commented 2 months ago

Enabling "context-aware" Comment Toggling (solving #2872)

What am I doing?

Improving comment-related actions, mainly focusing on preserving proper indentation and white-spaces when toggling line/block comments.


Back in mid 2022 I opened this issue, where I exposed what I would like regarding the action "Comment with Line Comment" and the like, as it is a recurrent operation I do everyday. Since the default behavior is really unproductive, I need to do a combination of toggling line comment, format region and sometimes even remove a bunch of white-spaces (between the # and the first character of the code being commented).


I originally thought I would have to work with some sort of Intellij AST, and create rules sophisticated enough to produce the expected behaviors based on where the cursor is located, what the code is like on the current line and the previous and next lines. But it seems that with the Commenter behavior you get the appropriate thing. I was unaware that this module is available, only that it is not enabled and cannot be manipulated via settings. I have found this out as I have fiddled with the code, exploring different directions to solve the problem.

Looking at the IDE configurations for other languages, I can see that the relevant options are in two regions under Editor > Code Style > WhateverLanguage:



These are the settings that I need to enable to have the expected behavior that supports proper indentation when toggling comments.

My approach involves creating a new panel (CodeGenerationPanel.kt) and adding settings and its manipulation via LanguageCodeStyleSettingsProvider.kt and ElixirCodeStyleMainPanel.kt. I haven't included a CodeSample because it is not present in any Code Generation panel that I have seen so far (for other languages).

Since there are two settings that are not available until a specific build version, I have included some logic to enable dynamically those if our IDE supports each of them.

LINE_COMMENT_ADD_SPACE_ON_REFORMAT' is available only since 221.5080.210 but the module is targeted for 201.6668.113+. It may lead to compatibility problems with IDEs prior to 221.5080.210. Note that this field might have had a different full signature in the previous IDEs. 0

'BLOCK_COMMENT_ADD_SPACE' is available only since 213.5744.223 but the module is targeted for 201.6668.113+. It may lead to compatibility problems with IDEs prior to 213.5744.223. Note that this field might have had a different full signature in the previous IDEs.

I decided not to include the option in Wrapping and Braces, since I haven't found a case where it is necessary to fix the original issue. But I will be happy to know when we need it.

Alternative approaches considered

The first part of the above section Approach is exactly the same. This alternative approach just differs in how to implement the Settings panel for Editor > Code Style > Code Generation.

I considered enabling the code generation panel via extension providers, with an independent XML entry. However, it is a bit slower, since it goes through all providers (the for loop), and since the current plugin is not using this feature for the MixFormatPanel, I am discarding it. Nevertheless, it seems it will be the way to go if we want to interact with other plugins or extensions.

Adding codeStyleSettingsProvider to resources/META-INF/plugin.xml:

<externalFormatProcessor implementation="org.elixir_lang.formatter.MixFormatExternalFormatProcessor"/>

Creating the file src/org/elixir_lang/formatter/settings/LanguageCodeGenerationSettingsProvider.kt:

package org.elixir_lang.formatter.settings

import com.intellij.application.options.codeStyle.CommenterForm
import com.intellij.openapi.application.ApplicationBundle
import com.intellij.psi.codeStyle.CodeStyleConfigurable
import com.intellij.psi.codeStyle.CodeStyleSettings
import com.intellij.psi.codeStyle.CodeStyleSettingsProvider
import com.intellij.psi.codeStyle.DisplayPriority
import com.intellij.ui.IdeBorderFactory
import com.intellij.util.ui.JBInsets
import org.elixir_lang.ElixirLanguage
import javax.swing.BoxLayout
import javax.swing.JComponent
import javax.swing.JPanel

class LanguageCodeGenerationSettingsProvider : CodeStyleSettingsProvider() {

    override fun createConfigurable(settings: CodeStyleSettings, modelSettings: CodeStyleSettings): CodeStyleConfigurable {
        return LanguageCodeGenerationConfigurable(settings)

    override fun getConfigurableDisplayName(): String = ApplicationBundle.message("title.code.generation")
    override fun getPriority(): DisplayPriority = DisplayPriority.CODE_SETTINGS
    override fun hasSettingsPage() = false
    override fun getLanguage(): ElixirLanguage = ElixirLanguage

class LanguageCodeGenerationConfigurable(private val mySettings: CodeStyleSettings) : CodeStyleConfigurable {

    private val myCommenterForm: CommenterForm = CommenterForm(ElixirLanguage)

    override fun getDisplayName(): String = "Code Generation"

    override fun createComponent(): JComponent {
        return JPanel().apply {
            layout = BoxLayout(this, BoxLayout.Y_AXIS)
            border = IdeBorderFactory.createEmptyBorder(JBInsets(0, 10, 10, 10))

    override fun isModified(): Boolean {
        return myCommenterForm.isModified(mySettings)

    override fun apply() {

    override fun reset() {

    override fun reset(settings: CodeStyleSettings) {

    override fun apply(settings: CodeStyleSettings) {

Modifying src/org/elixir_lang/formatter/settings/ElixirCodeStyleMainPanel.kt: `

package org.elixir_lang.formatter.settings

import com.intellij.application.options.TabbedLanguageCodeStylePanel
import com.intellij.openapi.extensions.Extensions
import com.intellij.psi.codeStyle.CodeStyleSettings
import com.intellij.psi.codeStyle.CodeStyleSettingsProvider
import org.elixir_lang.ElixirLanguage

class ElixirCodeStyleMainPanel(currentSettings: CodeStyleSettings?, baseSettings: CodeStyleSettings) :
    TabbedLanguageCodeStylePanel(ElixirLanguage, currentSettings, baseSettings) {

    override fun initTabs(settings: CodeStyleSettings) {
        // getExtensions (deprecated) should be updated to getExtensionList
        for (provider in Extensions.getExtensions(CodeStyleSettingsProvider.EXTENSION_POINT_NAME)) {
             if (provider.language == ElixirLanguage && !provider.hasSettingsPage()) {


I haven't included any tests. However, I am using it in 3 WebStorm IDE and OS versions:

For the 2024.1 versions I require the changes of this other PR as well.

Some screenshots of the behavior provided by this PR. Also, considering the use cases exposed in the original issue.

By default, we provide this new panel with these options: intellij-idea-runIde-elixir-code-style-settings-code-generation-default-opts

Then, we can modify these settings to support proper indentation: intellij-idea-runIde-elixir-code-style-settings-code-generation-indentation-opts

Let's consider these use cases:

Before: intellij-idea-runIde-elixir-code-style-settings-code-generation-indentation-opts-snippet-before1 After: intellij-idea-runIde-elixir-code-style-settings-code-generation-indentation-opts-snippet-after1

Before: intellij-idea-runIde-elixir-code-style-settings-code-generation-indentation-opts-snippet-before2

After: intellij-idea-runIde-elixir-code-style-settings-code-generation-indentation-opts-snippet-after2

And considering something closer in indentation as I exposed back then for JS: intellij-idea-runIde-elixir-code-style-settings-code-generation-indentation-opts-snippet-before3

Before: intellij-idea-runIde-elixir-code-style-settings-code-generation-indentation-opts-snippet-before3-1

After (cursor is in the highlighted row): intellij-idea-runIde-elixir-code-style-settings-code-generation-indentation-opts-snippet-after3-1

Before: intellij-idea-runIde-elixir-code-style-settings-code-generation-indentation-opts-snippet-before3-2

After: intellij-idea-runIde-elixir-code-style-settings-code-generation-indentation-opts-snippet-after3-2

So, it is aware of the context.

Finally, comparing mix format with the IDE, manipulating it directly by doing: Toggle Line Comment + Indent + Toggle Line Comment on every line.

Having a wrongly formatted file: intellij-idea-runIde-elixir-code-style-settings-code-generation-indentation-opts-wrong-comment-manual-indents

The produced code is the same with mix format than with the manual operations in the IDE: intellij-idea-runIde-elixir-code-style-settings-code-generation-indentation-opts-wrong-comment-manual-indents-fixed-by-mix-format


This is my first time working with Intellij SDK, Kotlin, intellij-elixir and the like. So, feel free to throw any advice, refactor suggestion or alternative strategy for this PR. For instance, one of the latest changes I have done before pushing the PR, is changing the companion object of CodeGenerationPanel. I didn't like that the logic behind CommenterForm was in 2 files (CodeGenerationPanel and LanguageCodeStyleSettingsProvider). So, I removed the logic in customizeCodeGenerationSettings to just call a static function present in CodeGenerationPanel, to return the valid options for the running IDE build.

I'll be happy to do any requested changes, as I have done it "in record time", studying the minimum necessary and using a pragmatic approach, because I was tired of waiting to include this functionality. I have done a quick exploration of other intellij extensions, made both in Scala and Java, and trying to extrapolate the ways to manipulate panels and extend language-styles capabilities, but trying to conform to the intellij-elixir code structure (also in Kotlin).