KronosTheLate / JuliaPackageComparisons

A web page (coming soon) hosted on github for comparison of Julia packages. (Hopefully) Organic content produced by the users and creators of the packages being compared.
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Triangulation section #1

Closed DanielVandH closed 11 months ago

DanielVandH commented 1 year ago

Another section that could be added is about Triangulations/Tessellations. There are several packages ( too many :) ):

DelaunayTriangulation.jl (native); VoronoiDelaunay.jl (native); VoronoiCells.jl (native); Delaunay.jl (wrapper); MiniQhull.jl (wrapper); DirectQhull.jl (wrapper); Delaunator.jl (native); TriangleMesh.jl (wrapper); Triangulate.jl (wrapper); Triangle.jl (wrapper); TetGen.jl (wrapper - 3D)

KronosTheLate commented 1 year ago

That is a great list. I had no idea that there were so many! I am starting to think that some domains need a hidden section on minor packages that can be folded out, as the sheer number of packages might overwhelm users looking to make a choice 😅

Do you have any experience in using them? Would you be able to write about what they are good/bad at, and how they relate to each other? If yes, keep in mind that the goal is to help user make an informed choice about the most appropriate package for their use case, whatever that might be.

DanielVandH commented 1 year ago

It is indeed quite long. Why are there three wrappers for the same library :).

Here is a list of what they do (disclaimer: I wrote DelaunayTriangulation.jl, this list is from, except that I've added DelaunayTriangulation.jl into the list):

My package is the one that's the most fleshed out at this point, and the only one with easy support for mesh refinement/constrained triangulations (except maybe Triangle.jl I think, but that's a wrapper). I also don't think many of these are even maintained anymore - the last commit dates are:

DanielVandH commented 1 year ago

In terms of a short summary, the advice I would give is: DelaunayTriangulation.jl is the most supported package for Delaunay triangulations in two dimensions, although I believe Delaunator.jl might be faster for unconstrained triangulations if you do not need exact arithmetic (but I don't think you should ever want to skip exact arithmetic - I've not done the performance comparison myself. Delaunator.jl also only does unconstrained triangulations, no constraints allowed). In higher dimensions, you need Delaunay.jl if $n > 3$, or TetGen.jl is great if $n=3$.

joa-quim commented 1 year ago

You may add also GMT.jl to the list.

DanielVandH commented 1 year ago

Must've missed those in my searching, sorry about that @joa-quim. Looking at the docs, am I right that it allows for both 2D and 3D unconstrained triangulations / Voronoi tessellations? Does it support mesh refinement / constrained triangulations? Here's a draft item:

Anything else you would like mentioned there? I'll also add it to my list on DelaunayTriangulation.jl - the spherical triangulation is a very nice feature.

joa-quim commented 1 year ago

Yep, GMT is a big hat and people often miss many of its contents 😄

Does it support mesh refinement / constrained triangulations?

No, and it's only 2D. But the triangulate module let also compute regular grids from the Delaunay triangulation.

DanielVandH commented 1 year ago

Oh, so

Reads x,y[,z] from file or table and performs Delaunay triangulation

just means that the z data is used as if it were function data? That might be worth clarifying in those docs (unless I just can't read in the morning :) ). I will also add this now to DelaunayTriangulation.jl's list also - thanks.

joa-quim commented 1 year ago

Yes, z is optional. It is used as z = f(x,y) when the triangulate module is used to compute grids or used to make contour plots of scatter after triangulate them.

I'll try to clarify that tomorrow (I seem to be on the other side of the world. One o'clock here).

Some of the examples at show usage for contouring.

KronosTheLate commented 1 year ago

Fantastic. You are both clearly much more fit to write about this. PR's are most welcome. I will probably get around to it in a few days (semester starting now).

If I beat you to it, I will likely just copy your excellent take on it. The bullet list and summarizing recommendation are exactly the type of content I have in mind. I would just change the wording and structure slightly to fit better in a public resource ^_^

Thanks for the detailed comments <3

joa-quim commented 1 year ago

That might be worth clarifying in those docs

Added this paragraph to triangulate docs

Using `x,y[,z]` or only `x,y` in input depends on the intended usage of this module. If only the
triangulation is desired, then only `x,y` is used and even if the input table has a `z` column,
that is ignored. If, however, we wish to compute a grid (see below) than `z` is mandatory and
is interpreted as a functional value, ``z = f(x,y)``.
KronosTheLate commented 11 months ago

I will add the following entry to the readme. Please open up a PR if you have corrections, or @ me here if there is something that needs further discussion.


In modeling, it is often neccesary to discretize space. This is often referred to as "triangulation" or "tessellation". This section is dedicated to packages that provide such functionality.

Short summary

DelaunayTriangulation.jl is the most supported package for Delaunay triangulations in two dimensions. Delaunator.jl might be faster for unconstrained triangulations if you do not need exact arithmetic, and if you do not need constrained tesselations. In higher dimensions, you need Delaunay.jl if $n > 3$, or TetGen.jl is great if $n=3$.

List of packages with short descriptions

Note that many of these are likely not maintained anymore - the last commit dates are, going from more to less recent: