Kronuz / pyScss

pyScss, a Scss compiler for Python
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grayscale() interpreted incorrectly. #157

Closed jleclanche closed 11 years ago

jleclanche commented 11 years ago

.foo { -webkit-filter: grayscale(1); } should be left untouched, but compiles grayscale(1) to #010101.

eevee commented 11 years ago

This will be tricky, since grayscale($color) is a Sass function, but grayscale($number) is a CSS function.

eevee commented 11 years ago

Fixed! The implementation now returns a string grayscale(1) if passed a number.

jleclanche commented 11 years ago


eevee commented 11 years ago

pyScss 1.2 has been released and has this fix.

ivorbosloper commented 11 years ago

This is still an issue for me: .foo { -webkit-filter: grayscale(90%); } should be left untouched in CSS3 but errors with ../scss/functions/", line 272, in greyscale h, s, l = color.hsl AttributeError: 'Number' object has no attribute 'hsl'

lightstrike commented 10 years ago

Confirming I just hit this issue as well.