Kronuz / pyScss

pyScss, a Scss compiler for Python
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Mulitline imports are broken #260

Closed profhase closed 10 years ago

profhase commented 11 years ago

Nelines in import Statements do not work:

@import "filea",

does not work.

pib commented 10 years ago

Seems like this is fixed in the latest master?

pib commented 10 years ago

Ah! It's broken if there's a newline before the first import:

@import "filea",

works, but


does not, but is actually valid scss.

danielniccoli commented 10 years ago

Wow, this one is old. I have the same problem. I am unable to compile Zurb Foundation unless I remove the line break after the @import in scss\foundation.scss :frowning:

PhilipGarnero commented 10 years ago

@Borkason did you manage to compile foundation ? Even with the import fixed, it's still not working for me.

danielniccoli commented 10 years ago

No, many imports are skipped and there are other errors, too. It's not compiling.

Kronuz commented 10 years ago

Can you guys please help us find all the exact isolated test cases where it's failing (in addition, or rather additionally) to the @import issue, so we can start working on fixing them? :)

danielniccoli commented 10 years ago

@Kronuz, I am not familiar with tests, so I cannot help you. But it's easy to find those errors by downloading Zurb-Foundation from Github and compile their SCSS. It will fail. Meanwhile, I installed Ruby and was able to compile with the original scss packages.
