Kruiser8 / Kruiz-Control

Kruiz Control enables a pseudo code approach to manage and automatically handle Twitch Channel Points, Twitch Chat, OBS or SLOBS, and StreamElements or Streamlabs alerts.
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Check OBS connection and reset #60

Closed Epyxx closed 1 year ago

Epyxx commented 1 year ago

Hey, is there a way to check the OBS connection status on command?

For example something like this:

OnCommand bm 0 !check
If OBSConnected = true
Chat Send "Connected to websocket"
Chat Send "Not connected to websocket"

Or alternative output an connection error at OnInit event?

For Example:

If OBSConnected = false
Chat Send "Websocket connection error"


Kruiser8 commented 1 year ago

Hey Epyx,

It's possible to check if it was connected on start up. It's not possible to check active connection status without making a call. OBS Version is probably the easiest one to run, however I think that throws an error and doesn't continue when there's an issue.

To check if it was connected on start up:

OnCommand mb 0 !check
Param Keyword _successful_ obs
if 2 {matched} == true
Chat Send "Websocket was connected"
Chat Send "Websocket connection error"
Epyxx commented 1 year ago

Thanks! i think this command should be enough for my case. But i copied your lines of code and tried it but i get no message at all. neiher "Websocket was connected" nor "Websocket connection error" :(

Kruiser8 commented 1 year ago

Huh, I tried it and it worked. However, I noticed a quirk with Param Keyword that you'll have to add a workaround for:

OnCommand mb 0 !check
Param Keyword _successful_ obs,
if 2 {matched} == true
Chat Send "Websocket was connected"
Param Keyword _successful_ obs
if 2 {matched} == true
Chat Send "Websocket was connected"
Chat Send "Websocket connection error"

OnCommand mb 0 !check
OBS Version
Chat Send "Version: {version}"

In the next update, I'll make it so OBS Version returns Disconnected in the event that it isn't connected. That should fit your use case. That will look like:

OnCommand mb 0 !check
OBS Version
If 2 {version} == "Disconnected"
Chat Send "Websocket connection error"
Chat Send "Websocket was connected"
Epyxx commented 1 year ago

It now works for me, thanks!

Oh yeah, a live check with obs version would be awesome!

Kruiser8 commented 1 year ago

This is added in the upcoming release.