KrzysztofHajdamowicz / home-assistant-pse

Show demand for Polish Energy Grid (PSE)
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Current pricing #9

Open GSzabados opened 1 year ago

GSzabados commented 1 year ago


Is there any chance to get current pricing as well?

I want to look at how my bill would look like with intermarket prices according to PSE.

I am thinking of doing some helpers and Reimann Sum per hour and per day considering actual consumption and production, especially focusing on this kind of events:,nId,6833185

Best Regards,


PePeLLee commented 1 year ago

If you are able to find source of such data like we have for limitation: I can try to create other integration to show it

GSzabados commented 1 year ago

This is the day ahead pricing, but there is an actual pricing as well, but I cannot find it.

Ok, I found it, believe this is the actual pricing (there is another category the Settled one, but that is a day behind)

I have not looked through the website thoroughly, but if it is using the ENTSO-e transparency platform, then I will just stick with this solution:

But by first glance PSE has higher prices than the one I just linked above.

Jordan87 commented 1 year ago

Dla net-billingu średnie ceny miesięczne (RCEm) i od przyszlego roku ceny godzinowe sa/beda brane na podstawie RCE czyli wlasnie tych cen