Ks89 / angular-modal-gallery

Modal image gallery for Angular
MIT License
148 stars 81 forks source link

DOC ON PRIVATE SERVER (about 50€/YEAR with OVH or Google cloud) instead of github pages (donations are necessary for this issue) #124

Open Ks89 opened 6 years ago

Ks89 commented 6 years ago

I'm really angry about Github pages, so I'm thinking to push the official doc website on a private server.



If you want to help me with donations to pay for this service, check 'donate' button in my readme or in the navbar of the official doc website.

Ks89 commented 6 years ago

If someone want to contribute, this is the link to donate https://www.paypal.me/stefanocappa

tobi-or-not-tobi commented 6 years ago

Have you considered Firebase hosting? Their CLI is really easy to use, it offers nice features (roll back), and their free plans allow for quite some traffic.

Ks89 commented 6 years ago

I never used firebase hosting, but it seems like github pages with better performances and rollback. Ok, probably it's better than github pages :) Thank you for the hint!

However, I'm trying to use also server side rendering with nodejs, in this way I can test SSR support of angular-modal-gallery in production.

tobi-or-not-tobi commented 6 years ago

You can actually use firebase for SSR as well, see for example https://codeburst.io/next-js-on-cloud-functions-for-firebase-with-firebase-hosting-7911465298f2. I would however not go down that route as its relatively complicated and not so reusable for others.

Why not use firebase for static hosting of the demo site and build/prove the SSR locally and provide the nodejs script in the repo so that others can run it themselves?

Or use a free nodejs server, see https://makeawebsitehub.com/free-node-js-hosting/ for a list of free options.

Ks89 commented 6 years ago

Documentation must be on a server without anything to build. It must be something simple e quick to use.

I cannot use nextjs, but I need all stuff by Angular to add SSR. That procedure is so complicated also for react and I cannot imagine how can it be with Angular. SSR is difficult also on a private server where I can do everything I want.

PS: I tried some of that websites, like Heroku, but without to pay they are very limited and with small performance (sleep if not used and so on). I need a fast server, because there are many images (and more to come).

However I'll try to investigate in Azure

Ks89 commented 6 years ago

Ah ok, only Openshift and Heroku are really free. No, I cannot use these to give a good experience to users. I need something more powerful with less limits.

tobi-or-not-tobi commented 6 years ago

Oh, i posted the wrong link for angular/ssr/firebase. The right one is https://medium.com/@hamedbaatour/angular-5-server-side-rendering-with-firebase-step-by-step-guide-ec5f4d8ef38b. Anyway, you know best what to use.

Ks89 commented 6 years ago

Ok, I'll investigate this solution. Thank u.