Ktar5 / Info-Board

The Spigot/Bukkit plugin for managing scoreboards
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Future Request: Allow the "ShowTime" variable to be set to ticks, and not seconds, or allow decimals. #125

Open melowody opened 6 years ago

melowody commented 6 years ago

Say I want to set it to show for half a second. I would put "10 ticks" or ".5" as the ShowTime, as both of those are half a second. It's pretty self-explanatory, but I want to make it do a quick sweep in between two different Titles, so like this:

ShowTime: 1.8
    Title: '&4&lScoville'
ShowTime: .15
    Title: '&4&lSco&c&lvi&4&llle'
ShowTime: .15
    Title: '&4&lSc&c&lovil&4&lle'
ShowTime: .15
    Title: '&4&lS&c&lcovill&4&le'
ShowTime: 1.8
    Title: '&c&lScoville'

Something like that.

pixar02 commented 6 years ago

I will look into an option for that! Maybe an option in the changeable.... (Blink, Timed,...)