Ktar5 / Info-Board

The Spigot/Bukkit plugin for managing scoreboards
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Incorrect prefix shown with placeholder %luckperms_prefix% #156

Closed spencermacca closed 4 years ago

spencermacca commented 4 years ago

Hi! Not sure who's fault this is, whether its PAPI, this plugin, or LuckPerms but I decided to post here as it's the only plugin that fails to show the correct prefix. Basically, I'm in the group "owner" and the prefix is "&4Owner" with LuckPerms. However, instead, Infoboard shows a completely different group prefix (Ultra) that I do not have in my parent groups or any relation to. I have tried logging on with a completely different Minecraft account that was assigned to a completely different group to see if it was a problem with my permissions, but the exact same thing came up.

My board YML looks like the following

    ShowTime: 1000
        Title: '&b&lCloudCraft &7| &rSkyblock'
        - '&7&m-----------------'
        - '&b&lYou'
        - ' &3* &rRank: %luckperms_prefix%'
        - ' &3* &rMoney: &a$%vault_eco_balance_formatted%'
        - ' '
        - '&b&lIsland'
        - ' &3* &rLevel: &b%askyblock_level%'
        - ' &3* &rMembers: &b%askyblock_team_size% '
        - '&7&l&m----------------'
spencermacca commented 4 years ago

Any help is appreciated! Kind regards, Spencer

pixar02 commented 4 years ago

This is very odd indeed, I use Luckperms on my test server and have never come accross this issue. IBR asks PAPI what todo with the placeholder, so my first guess would be the a mistake in the expansion, but since you tested it with different plugins, where is doesn't happen...

The only thing I can say at this moment is to try a different placeholder, Vault's in this case: %vault_prefix% %vault_rankprefix% Vault is like PAPI, it hooks into other plugins (specifically economy and permissions), if the same "error" happens with that expansion/placeholder than it must be my plugin.

But I will look into it regardless of the outcome of the other placeholder "test".

spencermacca commented 4 years ago

I managed to fix this by doing what @pixar02 suggested and using vault prefixes, thank you for your help :)