(#22) Expected 1 space(s) before asterisk; 3 found.
(#23) Category local is not valid.
(#32) Inline comments must end in full-stops, exclamation marks, or question marks.
(#35) A closing tag is not permitted at the end of a PHP file.
Removed the unused code and functions.
(#40) White space found at end of line.
Removed the extra spaces and kept line endings properly.
_Removed the extra braces.
Removed the unused classes.
Removed the extra spaces and kept line endings properly.
Reduced the usage of '!important' as much as possible. _
(#28) Function dashboard_add_instance is not documented
(#31) Function local_dashboard_extend_navigation is not documented
Removed the unused code and functions.
** local/dashboard/index.php**
Removed the extra spaces and kept line endings properly.
Removed unused capabilities like moodle/dashboard:configsyspages.
Removed hard-coded English strings with language files,
Removed unexpected way to define CSS styling by keeping in separate CSS files.
Removed the static URL construction and constructing with new moodle_url() function.
Kept license information of copyright owner to the JavaScript files drag and drop files.
Removed the moodle notices of code in debug mode reported issues.
Organized the code much cleaner manner.
(#22) Expected 1 space(s) before asterisk; 3 found. (#23) Category local is not valid. (#32) Inline comments must end in full-stops, exclamation marks, or question marks. (#35) A closing tag is not permitted at the end of a PHP file. Removed the unused code and functions.
local/dashboard/lang/en/local_dashboard.php (#40) White space found at end of line. Removed the extra spaces and kept line endings properly.
_Removed the extra braces. Removed the unused classes. Removed the extra spaces and kept line endings properly. Reduced the usage of '!important' as much as possible. _
(#28) Function dashboard_add_instance is not documented (#31) Function local_dashboard_extend_navigation is not documented Removed the unused code and functions.
Removed the extra spaces and kept line endings properly. Removed unused capabilities like moodle/dashboard:configsyspages. Removed hard-coded English strings with language files, Removed unexpected way to define CSS styling by keeping in separate CSS files. Removed the static URL construction and constructing with new moodle_url() function. Kept license information of copyright owner to the JavaScript files drag and drop files. Removed the moodle notices of code in debug mode reported issues. Organized the code much cleaner manner.