Kuadrant / kuadrant-console-plugin

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Rate limit policy create/update #31

Closed R-Lawton closed 4 weeks ago

R-Lawton commented 1 month ago

WHAT: Support for creating and updating Kuadrant policies (RLP) via the UI, with appropriate forms.


Examples and scaffolding are already in place that we can use to do this. (Without Picker) For updating we should be using the view given from creation greying out any info that cannot be updated

Mockup discussed with UI are what we want the end goal to look like. Call recording: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1YG_nmMuB6hgvL-bnciKgvbdjO3DBhcaF/view?usp=drive_web Mockup: https://www.figma.com/proto/r6rh1Jkx9vI9G2pXv0rT2D/OCP-Dynamic-plugin-(GA)?page-id=0%3A1&node-id=42-5365&viewport=1101%2C329%2C0.39&t=1Z0YW11ZmJEPrOJX-1&scaling=min-zoom&content-scaling=fixed&starting-point-node-id=21%3A8212

In the Administrator perspective, users should be able to create all types of policy In the Developer perspective, users should be able to delete: AuthPolicy, RateLimitPolicy