Kuadrant / limitador

Rate limiter
Apache License 2.0
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Get `enable_x_ratelimit_headers: DRAFT_VERSION_03` to work #156

Closed chirino closed 1 year ago

chirino commented 1 year ago

I tried setting the enable_x_ratelimit_headers option in the envoy rate limiting filter. But the expected headers were not set in the response.

the filter's configuration looks like:

                  - name: envoy.filters.http.ratelimit
                      "@type": type.googleapis.com/envoy.extensions.filters.http.ratelimit.v3.RateLimit
                      domain: nexodus
                      failure_mode_deny: false
                      timeout: 0.05s
                      enable_x_ratelimit_headers: DRAFT_VERSION_03
                        transport_api_version: V3
                            cluster_name: ratelimiter

The only header I see in the responses is x-envoy-ratelimited: true, I was hoping to get headers like X-RateLimit-Limit: 10, 10;w=1;name="per-ip", 1000;w=3600


pehala commented 1 year ago

Not tested by QE currently.