KuanchihHuang / MoMA-M3T

Delving into Motion-Aware Matching for Monocular 3D Object Tracking (ICCV 2023)
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3D MOT performance on the KITTI validation set for the Car category at 0.25 IoU threshold #7

Open ranakhonsari opened 4 weeks ago

ranakhonsari commented 4 weeks ago

firstly, I wanted to thank you for the great paper and providing the code. secondly, in the paper the table 2 is about results of Moma-M3T compared to other models on KITTI val set but only sAMOTA and AMOTA are reported. could you also provide other values like AMOTP, IDS, FRAG, MOTA, and MOTP? because they are already implemented in the AB3DMOT code and will be printed out at the end.