KubaP / glsl-lsp

A language server implementation for the OpenGL Shading Langauge, written in Rust.
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Tool is currently unusable with Kate text editor #11

Open mkoncek opened 1 year ago

mkoncek commented 1 year ago

Note: I don't know if this tool is only intended to work with VS Code. If so, it should be mentioned in the Readme.

Steps to reproduce:

(Use the GLSL: Show version command from within VSCode to quickly copy this info.) vscode extension version: N/A glsl-lsp version: 0.02 OS: Fedora Linux 38

(In order to create a high quality report, please try to figure out which addition/removal of a character causes the crash. For example, adding the # character in a specific position results in a crash)

Code snippet before crash:

#version 450

// https://on-demand.gputechconf.com/gtc/2014/presentations/S4385-order-independent-transparency-opengl.pdf

layout(location = 0) in vec2 fs_texture_coordinate;
layout(location = 1) in flat mediump vec3 fs_normal;
layout(location = 2) in flat ivec2 fs_texture_array_coordinate;
layout(location = 3) in mediump vec4 fs_color;
layout(location = 4) in vec3 fs_position;
layout(location = 5) in mediump vec3 fs_ambient_color;

layout(location = 0) out vec4 final_color;

layout(location = 0) uniform float multiplier;
layout(location = 1) uniform ivec3 camera_position;
layout(location = 3) uniform int texture_array_binding_color_only;

layout(binding = 0) uniform sampler2DArray texture_in[16];

struct Light
    ivec3 position;
    float light_distance;
    vec3 color;
    float cos_inner_cutoff; // or the distance of the line light
    vec3 direction;
    float cos_outer_cutoff;

layout(std430, binding = 0) buffer Light_buffer
    Light lights[];

vec3 hsv(vec3 rgb);
vec3 rgb(vec3 hsv);

vec3 float_position(ivec3 position);

const float specular_strength = 0.5;
const float shininess = 4;

// A simple function with a quadratic term in the denominator such that:
// x = 0 -> y = 1
// x = 1 -> y = 0
float quadratic_attenuation(float dist)
    const float third = 1. / 3;

    return (1 + third) / pow(dist + 1, 2) - third;

void main()
    vec4 texture_color;

    if (fs_texture_array_coordinate.x == texture_array_binding_color_only.x)
        texture_color = vec4(1, 1, 1, 1);
        texture_color = texture(texture_in[fs_texture_array_coordinate.x],
            vec3(fs_texture_coordinate, fs_texture_array_coordinate.y)

    if (texture_color.a == 0)

    vec3 diffuse_color = vec3(0);
    vec3 specular_color = vec3(0);

    for (int i = 0; i < lights.length(); ++i)
        const vec3 light_position = float_position(lights[i].position);
        vec3 light_color = lights[i].color;

        vec3 towards_light = light_position - fs_position;
        float dist = length(towards_light);
        // normalize
        towards_light /= dist;

        if (lights[i].cos_inner_cutoff < 1)
            float cos_angle = dot(towards_light, -lights[i].direction);

            if (cos_angle < lights[i].cos_outer_cutoff)
            else if (cos_angle < lights[i].cos_inner_cutoff)
                float multiplier = cos_angle - lights[i].cos_outer_cutoff;
                multiplier /= lights[i].cos_inner_cutoff - lights[i].cos_outer_cutoff ;
                multiplier = pow(multiplier, 3);
                light_color *= multiplier;

            const float normalized_dist = dist / lights[i].light_distance;

            if (normalized_dist < 1)
                const float attenuation_factor = quadratic_attenuation(normalized_dist);

                float diffuse = max(dot(fs_normal, towards_light), 0);
                diffuse *= attenuation_factor;
                diffuse_color += diffuse * light_color;

                vec3 reflect_direction = reflect(-towards_light, fs_normal);
                float specular = pow(max(dot(-normalize(fs_position), reflect_direction), 0), shininess);
                specular *= attenuation_factor;
                specular_color += specular_strength * specular * light_color;
        // Code for laser beam lighting, not working yet, need to figure out
        // how diffuse / specular components add up
            // https://mathworld.wolfram.com/Point-LineDistance3-Dimensional.html

            vec3 light_end = light_position + lights[i].direction * lights[i].cos_inner_cutoff;
            float line_distance = length(cross(fs_position - light_position, fs_position - light_end)) /
                length(light_end - light_position)

            if (line_distance > lights[i].cos_outer_cutoff - 1)
            else if (line_distance > lights[i].cos_inner_cutoff - 1)
                float multiplier = line_distance - (lights[i].cos_inner_cutoff - 1);
                multiplier /= lights[i].cos_outer_cutoff - lights[i].cos_inner_cutoff;
                multiplier = pow(multiplier, 3);
                light_color *= multiplier;

    vec3 light_color = fs_ambient_color + diffuse_color + specular_color;

    final_color = texture_color * fs_color * vec4(light_color, 1);

Code snippet after crash:


Server backtrace: (Log output of Kate)

[11:45:41  LSP Client Log] Started server glsl@/usr/local/src/nwd: /usr/local/src/glsl-lsp/server/target/debug/glsl-lsp
[11:45:41  LSP Server Log] glsl@/usr/local/src/nwd
[Info] Server version: 0.0.2
[11:45:41  LSP Server Log] glsl@/usr/local/src/nwd
[Info] Received `initialize` request
[11:45:41  LSP Server Log] glsl@/usr/local/src/nwd
[Info] Received `initialized` notification
[11:45:41  LSP Server Log] glsl@/usr/local/src/nwd
[Info] Received `textDocument/didOpen` notification
[11:45:41  LSP Server Log] glsl@/usr/local/src/nwd
thread 'main' panicked at 'internal error: entered unreachable code', src/file.rs:320:40
note: run with `RUST_BACKTRACE=1` environment variable to display a backtrace
[11:45:41  LSP Client Warning] Server terminated unexpectedly ... Restarting [/usr/local/src/glsl-lsp/server/target/debug/glsl-lsp] [homepage: https://github.com/svenstaro/glsl-language-server]
[11:45:42  LSP Client Log] Started server glsl@/usr/local/src/nwd: /usr/local/src/glsl-lsp/server/target/debug/glsl-lsp
[11:45:42  LSP Server Log] glsl@/usr/local/src/nwd
[Info] Server version: 0.0.2
[11:45:42  LSP Server Log] glsl@/usr/local/src/nwd
[Info] Received `initialize` request
[11:45:42  LSP Server Log] glsl@/usr/local/src/nwd
[Info] Received `initialized` notification
[11:45:42  LSP Server Log] glsl@/usr/local/src/nwd
[Info] Received `textDocument/didOpen` notification
[11:45:42  LSP Server Log] glsl@/usr/local/src/nwd
thread 'main' panicked at 'internal error: entered unreachable code', src/file.rs:320:40
note: run with `RUST_BACKTRACE=1` environment variable to display a backtrace
[11:45:42  LSP Client Warning] Server terminated unexpectedly ... NOT Restarting [/usr/local/src/glsl-lsp/server/target/debug/glsl-lsp] [homepage: https://github.com/svenstaro/glsl-language-server]
KubaP commented 1 year ago

Thanks for the bug report!

This language server should be usable with IDEs other than vscode. Emphasis is on should though, because this project is my first foray into language servers as a whole and frankly the documentation in general kinda sucks, which has made it difficult for me to understand if I'm doing things correctly. I only use vscode personally so that's all I've been testing with.

I will investigate this, I'm sure it's fixable, but, I've been pretty busy with other stuff and I haven't worked on this project in a few months now. I plan on continuing to develop this project further, but I can't give a concrete timescale.

mkoncek commented 1 year ago

Great. A few notes: 1) Kate is installable on Windows tho I don't know how easy it is to set up external LSP servers. 2) There is a different project: https://github.com/svenstaro/glsl-language-server, which actually works on Kate. I let the other person know about your project. Maybe you could merge your works, they also know Rust apparently (https://github.com/svenstaro/glsl-language-server/issues/33#issuecomment-1558954827) 3) Final note: My motivation was to add some GLSL LSP support to Fedora. Though maybe there aren't that many benefits to GLSL LSP, it would still be great if there was a single decent cross-platform solution.