KubaP / glsl-lsp

A language server implementation for the OpenGL Shading Langauge, written in Rust.
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Add configuration field for disabling syntax error annotations #13

Open Argmaster opened 7 months ago

Argmaster commented 7 months ago

What I am showing below is Vulkan GLSL and I am aware that there is low-to-none-chance to support vulkan soon, but: Would it be possible to add option to disable error messages comeing from language server? Syntax highlighting looks great anyway, much better than any alternative. If it was possible to suppress squigly lines showing around I'd be great.

#version 450
#extension GL_EXT_nonuniform_qualifier : require

layout(local_size_x = 2, local_size_y = 1, local_size_z = 1) in;

#define BIND_BUFFER(bindingIndex, typeName, varName)         \
    layout(std430, binding = bindingIndex) buffer typeName { \
        float array[];                                       \
    }                                                        \

BIND_BUFFER(0, bufferT0, buffer0);
#define BUFFER_O(index) buffer0[gl_GlobalInvocationID.x].array[i]

void main() {
    for (int i = 0; i < 16500; ++i) {
        BUFFER_O(i) = 0.0;
